LOL Democrats - Tik Tok on the clock, but the party don't stop

we still have it far too good.

Many times they do.

See: Pelosi/Hoyer/Clyburn giving an endorsement of the anti-abortion (among many other shitty positions) Henry Cuellar in a primary. Cuellar won the primary runoff by under 300 votes.

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At the local level, many if not all races are considered ā€œnon partisan.ā€ Also, I donā€™t know how it works elsewhere, but in CA, county party central committee members are elected via public ballot, so progressives can run for that, too!

In San Diego county, the young progressives dominate the county party. We have endorsed, supported, volunteered for, financed, and advertised for the progressive candidates in several local races, many of whom have then lost to moderate dems. So itā€™s not so simple when the voters say different.

That being said, many of these races have no one running, or the old white man incumbents running unopposed. The party will support anyone who decides to run in these races, no matter where they are on the left spectrum.


Moving forward involves normalizing economic positions to the left of modern American capitalism, even if it costs votes in the short-term. Appeal to American anti-establishmentarianism by opposing establishment capitalism.

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Pelosi/Hoyer/Clyburn donā€™t give a shit about BFE Unified School District Area B. Or Nowheresville Town Council District 2.

THOSE are the races that the republican party decided to run the board on back in the 80ā€™s, and those are the races Iā€™m talking about.

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I can get down with that but winning those races in Oklahoma as a Dem are nonstarters anyways. I was more commenting on Senate and House seats where the party elite kneecaps good candidates in favor of pro-life bigots and the like.

The Republicans donā€™t care about school boards any more than Ds. All those school boards getting yellat at over CRT arenā€™t dominated by derpers. School Board isnā€™t even a pathway to higher office, entry level to get to Congress is like Mayor or State Rep or just get elected directly from the private sector.

I donā€™t think you understand how local politics work in a place like Oklahoma. The local house and senate candidates campaign on things that donā€™t exist like the GND and the like. School board elections are partisan and if you actually won and did anything you would likely be harrassed into oblivion by the anti-crt crowd.

Changing a dumpster fire like Oklahoma through running for school board is completely impossible. California i have no doubt is different.


And that idea/attitude why we lose nationally.

Normalizing progressive ideas and values at the lowest local level is how we win back Senate and congress, eventually. Itā€™s the EXACT strategy the republicans have been using for the past 30 years.

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I disagree completely. The local elections are all dominated by the issues that the upper tiers of the parties and their media machines spew. Changing that changes peopleā€™s minds more than me being on my local school board by infinity percent.

The strategy the Rs have been using for 30 years is AM radio and Fox News

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Weā€™re agreeing, school board is irrelevant to national politics.

Normalizing CRT would be good.

Ahh misunderstood that part at least then.

Absolutely wrong. They care. They have a plan.

The republicans made it their national strategy to take over the lowest levels of local government back in the 80s, and have been slowly building their base of ideas at that level ever since. Itā€™s why their derpy ideas are so prevalent in the general population, especially in small towns. They knew exactly what to do and how to do it. They played the long game and are winning it handily.

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I think you have the chicken/egg thing here backwards. Rs are more likely to get involved in local politics because they are frothed up by Rush and Tucker.

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Explain to me how me winning a school board seat in OKC would actually do anything to change the Dem establishment situation? I honestly donā€™t get it. I wish i did.

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Itā€™s national politics that are irrelevant. Nobody passes national laws anymore. The actual work of your nation happens at the state and lower level. That is how we got to today. The right understood this 30 years ago.

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National politics is exactly how we got to this. There is a reason we needed Hillary to win. If anything, national politics now controls local races due to the media consumption shifting from TV and newspapers to Facebook.