LOL Democrats - Tik Tok on the clock, but the party don't stop

Lol public sector unions

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Iā€™m looking forward to attending local school board meetings and chastising them for not including enough CRT in the curriculum.

YES. and much much sketchier shit than that, at least in my city. one year a guy was in the rotation for mayor pro tem and the PD didnt like it, and they got caught bugging his car to try to catch him seein hoes or something.

thatā€™s not governance, and much more than basic sabotage.

i am talking about homeless policy, in which itā€™s easy for officials who are in charge of supporting functions to simply underestimate the amount of people or hours to do outreach or services, and completely thwart a genuine reform or effort thatā€™s even remotely leftist. thatā€™s why direct cash help to the poor works better than many other things. no natural or unscrupulous barriers before it actually makes an effect.

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Re: SF

Newsflash: in supposedly super liberal areas these days there are a lot of really rich people (because no one else can afford to live there) who actually arenā€™t that progressive! This should surprise no one. Itā€™s the same thing here in New York. The actual progressive areas are the parts of the outer boroughs people can afford to live in, while the Upper West Side (one of the bluest areas in the country) fought extremely hard to keep their kids in segregated schools so they didnā€™t have to be exposed to Black or Hispanic kids.


The delicious terminology in Toronto for these people is Latte Liberals, which I think is just great.

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I remember reading an article about a normally liberal celebrity who when all of a sudden confronted with the possibility of brown people going to school with her kid, opposed policies that would allow those who couldnā€™t afford tuition to attend on a discount. Wish I remembered who it was.

Typical hypocrisy

EDIT: Okay it was Samantha Beeā€™s husband, not Samantha herself.

Lots of rich liberals arenā€™t stupid. They know that they can buy their kids a good life if they send them the ā€œbestā€ schools, and they are fiercely defensive of that privilege.

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This is spot on

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Lol heā€™s out there praising John Cornyn and Mitch McConnell while the entire party apparatus crushes every young progressive. Just vote for the Republicans man, you arenā€™t helping.

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Cueller getting dragged across the finish line by the edem fossils is really disheartening. If Cisneros had won (or wins after the recount) I would be zero percent surprised if the edems endorsed the republican in the general.

They used to be called limousine liberals in the U.S. I havenā€™t heard that term anymore, maybe because the really rich people seem to be driven around in huge black SUVs instead of limousines these days.

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I mean just look at this fucking dipshit. Retire.

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The GOP has a pretty undefeated strategy of engaging in bipartisan talks until the countryā€™s rage dies down and then just loling.


A lot of West Wing scenes did not age well, in terms of our political landscape. This one did.

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ā€œYou know why people hate liberals. Cause they lose. If liberals are so fucking smart how come they lose so god damn always.ā€


Two minutes laterā€¦

ā€œNone of this is the fault of a 20-year-old college student, but you, nonetheless, are without a doubt, a member of the WORST-period-GENERATION-period-EVER-periodā€

Yeah the rant was so good then went LOL BOOMER in a hurry

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