The Presidency of the Joes, part II: lol documents

I just now see a bunch of the ActBlue social media excitables pushing the phrase “Biden Boom” to describe the economy, and all I can do (besides imagine Skateboard Buscemi) is picture the term’s use skyrocketing when used sarcastically as soon as student loan payments restart


“The economy is great, why doesn’t everyone love Joe Biden!”

Health Care - no change
Minimum Wage - no change
Housing - no change
Cost of College - no change
Student Loans - no change
Trump Accountability - none
“Universal” Pre-K - funded for like 2 years only, will be adopted by like 3 states, White House actually believes other states will be shamed to adopting it once they see how awesome it is (seriously, they think this)
Paid Leave - butnahhhhhhh
Climate Change - to date, absolutely nothing, and increasingly looking like what does pass, if it passes at all, will be a massive giveaway to donors and eDem loving interest groups
Voting Rights - no change at all even as election rigging is blatantly telegraphed in plain sight
Defense Spending - $25 billion more than even the Pentagon wanted - rubber stamped

Dems in a year: DAMN PROGRESSIVES!


Actually being pretty generous to current dems on health care (about to see higher costs/lower access), housing, student loans (everyone going from no payments to paying).

Dont forget immigration policy.

Basically with one last chance to turn the tide we got a D- performance.

At least we dont have to really stress anymore. Decades of GOP rule basically baked in, and not just any GOP, the “McCarthy and McConnell are weak libs who need to be replaced with true conservative” GOP.



There was a battle for control of the Democratic Party, and the moderates won. They hold the power and they direct the message. But despite this victory, moderate Democrats and their allies can’t seem to take responsibility for the party’s fortunes. When faced with defeats — as they were last month when Terry McAuliffe fell to Glenn Youngkin in the race to succeed Ralph Northam as governor of Virginia — they blame the left. It’s the same song, each time. If progressives would just stop alienating the public, then they could make gains and put power back in Democratic hands. Somehow, the people in the passenger’s seat of the Democratic Party are always and forever responsible for the driver’s failure to reach their shared destination.

If and when Democrats lose one or both chambers of Congress — and when we all face the consequences of their failure — I am confident that we’ll hear, once again, how it’s everyone’s fault but their own.


Progressives get blamed when moderates lose because people believe in the median voter theorem.

People need to lower their expectations. If you learned to be happy with what the Dems have done, you would be more effective at convincing others to vote D in 2022. That leads to more Ds and more good stuff. If you want the filibuster gone, we’ll need 53 D senators. If you want SCOTUS packed, maybe 56.

Although there’s a certain rationale to this thinking, it understates the severity of the issues. I don’t think there’s time to make incremental gains over 4 year election cycles. The point of winning elections isn’t supposed to be to win slightly more votes next election. That’s Inside The Beltway Brain. The point of winning elections is to obtain power and wield power. That means impactful legislation.


Id say incumbent Dems need to lower their expectations. Since they arent attempting to address my priorities, they can go find a voter to replace me or enjoy permanent minority status or worse.

Im going to work to convince people to vote for progressive challengers to anyone who voted for the infrastructure bill when BBB doesnt pass. November, nah, I’ll sit that one out. Perhaps the student loan and private equity industries will canvass for dem votes?

We have reached the point where primaries and non-violent direct action to break the system probably place worth spending time. EDems are useless and not worth the effort.

Current strategy going great though. Probably no need for introspection.


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Its not that. I get that stuff like packing the courts and ending the filibuster were probably hard to impossible lifts with these 50 Senators. I expected BBB would involve some negotiation. Fighting COVID was going to be a challenge regardless. But they arent even trying. They dont seem to recognize the stakes and are clearly trying to pivot to a doomed to fail strategy of a milquetoast pivot to the center where they try to convince Karen from Arlington who voted for Youngkin to vote dem because orange man is bad and go to to see how her area might get a new road or some child care subsidies in 2025. Count me the fuck out of that cowardly suicide mission. At least Trump and secretary of defense Matt Gaetz will make it a quick and relatively painless end of society.


One of the effects of Social Media Brain™ is the lack of patience for the speed at which government always works. Perhaps also not understanding that epidemic emergency powers that had been sitting in file cabinets for decades are rightly narrow. For example, the negotiations over BBB that have dragged on for months is what “trying” looks like, but most people’s attention spans are too short to notice

Blah blah blah. The shitlibs are going to lose like 40 seats in the house and a bunch in the Senate and be locked out of power for a long time because they suck ass

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My attention span is long enough to remember Biden telling progressives he’d get BBB passed. So if he doesnt, either he lied to them or is a wholly ineffective leader. Either way, not getting my support, nor are his enablers.


What law required Biden to design his court reform commission to fail, I.e. come to the conclusion that “sure it sucks that Rs stole a 6-3 court that doesn’t reflect the will of the country and is going to kneecap us for a generation, but shrug, them the breaks, what you gonna do?”

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Lol Biden can erase student debt with the stroke of a pen and chooses not to because he’s a stupid old boomer who made his name harassing Anita Hill and locking up black people. Fuck this guy


Student loan in this title is triggering

It’s been so long I forgot my login. Had to reset my password this morning. Sadness.

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would it surprise you if this was the eGop plan all along, continue bad faith politics to make progressives not care about elections?

He’s popular with the exact voters Dems are losing in droves to culture war bullshit. He wins in 2016, btw.

lol. rigging against bernie, who had a 4 year head start on everyone else? what do you think the perfect 2020 primary looks like for Sanders? is it like, 10 more or less establishment candidates leeching votes from each other, and one consensus progressive grandpa?

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