The Presidency of the Joes, part II: lol documents

I think Sanders probably beats Trump in a 2016 general election. It was pretty tough for them to find a candidate the public disliked as much as Hillary.


And even then it took a last minute assist from the FBI and her emails for Trump to juuuuuuuuust barely win.

I find the idea that Sanders might have lost the election to Trump is a bad argument in light of the nothingness that Biden and the do nothing Dems are doing. Is winning with Biden even worth winning?

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It’s unbelievable a man who is 109 years old is still beholden to his home states finance interests but here we are. Chase and Citibank will always win.

Yeah that’s true, and one of 1000 examples of why “just sell why Dems are good” is a destined to fail strategy.

Biden’s response team is objectively bad. Jeff Zients isnt a public health official. Walensky did a premature victory lap and has been two steps slow the whole year. His press secretary just mocked a public health measure that scientists and public health officials widely consider a good idea. We have vaccines, yet more people are going to die in 2021 than did in 2020. Popular Trump era programs like student loan deferment and eviction moratoriums are going to fall away with the pandemic still raging on.

Yeah, its not all Biden or the Dems fault, and yeah, Trump would have been worse. Good fucking luck getting anyone to work to elect Dems based on that issue.

Rinse and repeat for ~all priorities, particularly the progressive ones.

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Then again if either of those things had happened on D watch, the highly more strategy-competent GOP would have made sure they became inextricably linked with the Democratic party forever.

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You have to hit voters in the feels. At the end of the day this simple rule of politics is why Democrats fail.

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The parties are assymetrical. The Trumpists have pulled their party establishment to the right against their will. Progressives just don’t have the numbers to scare the rest of the party right now.

For now, if you want to push Dems to the left, it’s probably best to seek out progressive candidates with no DSA ties, otherwise you risk getting India Walton’ed.

People who expected more from a Democratic trifecta where Manchin is the 50th vote in the Senate we’re naively optimistic. The limiting chokepoint is the Senate. Yes, there are things like forgiving student debt that Biden can do without Congressional approval, but I’m fairly certain that Manchin will insist on cuts to compensate for anything Biden does that increases the deficit. The idea that Biden can act unilaterally without repercussions is absurd.

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This is really hard to do for people whose self-image is based on superiority in the realms of truth in logic. Pointing out that covidiots are dumb is the wrong track. Pointing out that covidiots are horrible people who deserve to die, that we should take emotional pleasure in their suffering, is the correct approach.

Some people, including posters here, are just too prissy to do what needs to be done.

tbf, roe hanging around like pence on a gallows doesn’t hit dems in feels. voter suppression and all, we hardly ever show up for the issues. we can only show up when we hate someone

COVID deaths skew heavily minority and heavily working class/poor, as does unvaxxed status. So, morals aside, Im sort of skeptical that publicly reveling in the death of COVID victims is going to be a winning issue for progressives.

Like Ole Willy Shakespeare knew this centuries ago. The whole scene in Julius Caesar where Brutus appeals to reason and then Antony follows him with “Friends, Romans, countrymen, lend me your ears” appealing to emotion is about this exactly. At the end of that play Brutus is dead.

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Serious question:

What are you going to propose as a strategy for 2024 if 2022 goes like many here think (losing control of the senate, losing 35+ seats in the house, poor results in state/local elections)?

Run trump as a Dem

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His rallies last year were just an old man rambling about nothing and leaving people stuck in the cold and they ate it up, I don’t think they’d notice.

This is correct. It’s a grievance cult with it’s own momentum. The need the idea of Trump more than they actually need him.

Just wait. You’ll see. Keep your head down, keep voting.

It’s been plain as day for a while now that no GOP House or Senate will certify a D win in 2024, and on top of that all these state legislatures in MI/WI/GA etc. will never send D electors.

This isn’t even in dispute! And the answer is “you have social media brain.” Like dude, I’m sympathetic towards you generally but that perspective is just plain idiotic.


I dispute that.

Depends on how much pro-democracy protests can make them fear what might happen if they don’t certify the correct outcome.