The Presidency of the Joes, part II: lol documents

Protests mean nothing against the “fuck you, no” cheat code, and doubly so when the police will back them up.

In the near term, this shit is over.

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Given shooting protestors won’t have repercussions, would guess not that much fear. Or at least not more than the many authoritarian regimes that have learned to handle such disssidents. Don’t really see hundreds of thousands willing to give their life and freedom for 84 year old Joe Biden.

Think this gets avoided because GOP just wins straight up anyways. Trump the hardest case, DeSantis probably waffle crushes.

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The only protest that would have any meaningful impact is a general strike. But most Americans are either too comfortable for one, or are living paycheck to paycheck and can’t afford it.


Yeah I think that’s the most promising way forward, but we’d need to set up support for everyone outside the current system.

This guy seems like a lock to win next year. If he changed his name to Brandon Brandon he’d be a favorite against Biden in '24.

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I swear this is real:


win I’d guess, name rec, R’s love showmen who they think are “great businessmen” though he has to be more of a jerk

biden got more done than sanders would’ve and it won’t make a difference obv both get destroyed here politically right now anyway


Gavin Newsome going up a few points.

Dems should engage in tit-for-tat and drag their feet on providing federal assistance to Kentucky storm victims.

there’s no way to know whether that is true, and everyone is entitled to believing anything

I would never drop out of the presidential primary to screw over working people, setting a record as the only guy to do so while leading in delegates. But if I did, I would make sure to at least secure this bag for my husband. LOL


100% chance student loan payments would not be restarting next month if Bernie was in office.

Why bother? When Pete retires from politics there will be more than a handful of multimillion dollar opportunities waiting for him. Those loans aren’t going to cause even the slightest bit of pain for the couple in the long term. And maybe very little in the short term (but I guess that really depends on the amount, which I don’t know).

I might bother so that my husband didn’t make deeply embarrassing posts like this


Perhaps. But there are probably easier ways to have prevented that problem.


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Lol fucking deplorable acquaintance shared this with the quote “spot on”.

Screwing over the working people by undermining ruinously expensive programs that would benefit the close family members of millionaire government officials.

EDIT: Also the people who write those abysmal op-eds in the WSJ about how they make $700,000 a year but they’re only middle class because they spend a lot of money on private schools and European vacations. They’re the working class also.