The Presidency of the Joes, part II: lol documents

Thanks, derp de derp.

Wat? How?

Yes but his world includes 0.0001% of the real world.

The more I think about this student loan debacle the angrier I get. Boomer politicians have spent their entire adult lives bailing out the worst people out there while leaving the little guy out in the cold, turning our entire economy into a rent seeking dystopia. The absolute first problem that doesnā€™t directly affect them, they do nothing.

Congress is going to pass a $770 billion defense bill with basically no media coverage and without a whiff of a filibuster. This issue is crushing tens of millions of people and these assholes just shrug their shoulders. I hate them. Fuck you Joe Biden, Iā€™ve said it before but I really think Iā€™m done voting for these people.


the problem youā€™re going to face is that the lesser of two evils is way way way less evil.

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At least 2 too many ways in that sentence.


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I find it unlikely that the cost of WW2 to the US was only 4.5 trillion adjusted for inflation.

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Iā€™m assuming his numbers are from the Congressional Research Service.

Yeah, I figured out the problem. You canā€™t look at inflation alone because the economy was much smaller back then (population was smaller, etc). You have to look at it as a percentage of gdp (which your link also does). WW2 was 36 percent of GDP over 4 years. By comparison (based on my back of the envelope estimated math), his 6 trillion figure is like 7 percent of gdp over the same period. To spend the equivalent amount of money as we did in WW2 would require us to spend like 30ish trillion dollars.

NEW polling experiment: Voters are fucking idiots. Analysis from @eyebooger.


Thatā€™s not new. Decades of polling data has already established that voters are morons.

Oh good.

Keep tweeting out the jobs report though. That should do the trick.

But this is a jobs report.


Unemployment is rising! For black democrats on county election boards.

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Get ā€˜em Joe!

Now do rent, health care and education.

ā€œMillennials have never experienced inflationā€

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