The Presidency of the Joes, part II: lol documents

looool this fucking subtitle
this article written by shocked pikachu


and if it’s popular enough, they’ll just take the credit for it

I don’t even try to read this stuff anymore. Restart student loans during a gloabl pandemic and tax cuts for the rich. Nothing else of consequence. Am I close?


On the student loan front, I’m getting bombarded with mail from my federal loan servicer with offers to refinance at much lower rates with a division of the same company. Other than the fact that I’m sure they wouldn’t actually offer the advertised rate after jumping through all the hoops, the fine print mentions that refinancing disqualifies you from any current or future federal support program like the current 0% interest hold. It’s just a scam from top to bottom and an attempt to extract every single dollar they can out of people who made the mistake of taking out six figure loans for their education when they were a teenager.

Next month is going to be an ugly wake up for a lot of people who have had nearly two years of “extra” money to go towards living expenses.


Man that is fucking scummy

Trump is going to go to Moscow? Ok

363 war criminals showed their ass on Monday by voting for a 760 billion dollar defense budget. I’m guessing it’s by design that none of the articles have the vote count and I’m having some real trouble parsing so if anyone had an easy link to the list of votes for that I’d appreciate it


Lol bigly scame. If I was dictator I mean president I’d have all of these people erased.

Here’s part of the house schedule from yesterday (S.1605 is the 2022 NDAA):

and here’s roll call 405:

“To designate the National Pulse Memorial located at 1912 South Orange Avenue in Orlando, Florida, and for other purposes” LOL


Lmao ok thanks, i looked at the descriptor and thought I was on the wrong bill, worked as intended


It would take one (1) Senator willing to filibuster this atrocity in order to get voting rights done.

Not a single one of these losers will do it.

Not voting for them anymore.

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holy shit I thought you were kidding
“cool, cool, nothing to see here”

are the dems / speaker responsible for these descriptions?!?

The bill was cosponsored by Marco Rubio and Alex Padilla, it’s bipartisan, yaaaaaaaaaay.

Some alternate titles:

It takes more than one Senator to block a cloture vote.

Child tax credit going to at least temporarily lapse right when student loans are restarting. Another legendary job by team Biden and the Dems.

does scarborough have any sense of what’s going on in the world rn?

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Nearly a quarter of college students

Doesn’t 37% + 5% add up to 42% or am I bad at reading simple graphs?

You’re bad at simple graphs.

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The latter (those are % of Ds and Rs, so 37 and 5 need to be weighted averaged)

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