The Presidency of the Joes, part II: lol documents

Yeah the takeaway here is that these people are not just giant idiots, they are also people with absolutely no meaning or joy or purpose in their lives. The little dopamine hits they get from “owning the libs” is all they have. Even the ones that have money are generally miserable sacks of shit with disastrously bad marriages and employees that hate them etc. They have no better angels to appeal to.


Why can’t we encourage people to get dopamine hits from “owning the cons”? This is why making fun of dead anti-vaxxers should be an important component of building up the left.

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Only 4 Democrats oppose giving the military $700+ billion a year and $30 billion more than they asked for.

Why don’t you Support The Troops?


I’m sure this challenge will be a winner!

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I’m sure swing Justice Brett Kavanaugh will be very concerned.


Jesus Christ.

bUt HoW mUcH wIlL tHaT cOsT.

Instead of free tests, go to to figure out the correct 8 page form you need to fill out. Expect a check in 8-12 weeks.


Wow, 45% of the country can get “free” COVID tests through the simple process of getting reimbursed by the insurance they pay for, 4 more years amirite? And of fuuuuucking course she goes right to the eDem standby of “How’re you gonna pay for it!??!” when it comes to testing.

Dems deserve to be destroyed next year.


Dems are worthless. How do they expect anyone to ever vote for them?

They’re dead to me.

At least go down swinging.

They are swinging. Just not for what you or I

I don’t know either but obviously seems bad. Threaten sanctions and follow through with allies. Nonlethal aid to Ukraine. Pretty much what he’s been doing. This course of action probably won’t stop Putin but go harder and it provokes him to do what he wants to do anyway. Wouldn’t be a surprise if Trump goes to Moscow to piss on Biden’s Russia policy, no matter what it is

The fact that their major legislation is a tax cut for rich ■■■■■ in blue states tells you all you need to know

After watching boardwalk empire recently. Nothing has changed. It’s rich vs everyone else.

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it’s kinda an obvious play from putin, in that he wants someone to talk with him for something. apparently russian buildup isn’t big enough to go storm mariupol or whatever, but his entire strategy is to escalate little by little, so it can easily be some crazy ivan move as well.

Huh, turns out it was super easy and there was money to pay for it, it’s a miracle.


Congrats to Matt Bruening for getting quoted by…Mich McConnell

In attacking the Democratic proposal, McConnell cited a progressive critic that argued the program would expose some families to higher, even prohibitive costs, especially during the three-year transition period, because the quality and wage requirements would push up child care prices even for families who were not eligible for assistance.

I did lol at this

The program’s advocates, both in and out of Congress, have strongly disputed that claim. And regardless of whether the claim is true, the new Democratic initiative could transform the lives of millions of Americans, with thousands of dollars in savings on average for low-income and middle-class families.

If these cliffs were like small 3 figure cliffs then it wouldn’t matter too much but the cliffs are in the 5 figures.