The Presidency of the Joes, part II: lol documents

FoxNews has uncovered the biggest Biden scandal yet, will he survive?

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Wait until Biden wears a tan suitā€¦

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Democrats desperately scrambling to find a potential successor to Joe Biden in 2024 are whispering about a potential nuclear option that could see Kamala Harris, the current Vice President, nominated to the Supreme Court.

Iā€™d love to find out whoā€™s whispering about this scenario thatā€™s never happening in a million years.

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Hipsters in hipsters coffee shops.

Establishment Dems love nothing so much as trying to prove the are TOUGH ON CRIME and SUPPORT THE TROOPs as much as the Rs.

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lol if Dems donā€™t think Cocaine Mitch will block any and all Biden SCOTUS picks.

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Iā€™m not sure he can block ANY Biden pick. Just as Democrats couldnā€™t block Amy Coney Barrett.

But you raise an interesting question if they ever decided to actually put Kamala Harris on the US Supreme Court. At 50-50 vote, who would break the tie? Presumably sheā€™s conflicted out of voting in that case. Even if she resigned the post of VP, a replacement VP would need confirmation by majority Senate vote without a ā€œtie-breakā€ voter in hand.

Guess they also have this problem if JB or KH were no longer in office prior to the next election (due to death or other reason), because I agree with your implicit assumption that McConnell never lets a replacement veep get confirmed without an actual Dem majority in the Senate (and I think this is unlikely to change in 2022, but who knows).

There is no way to combat this. The bad guys won, the end.

She thought of herself as a Democrat who likely usually found a reason to vote Republican.



Oh good weā€™re back to this shit every day


Is this a rule or a norm?


If the filibuster was abolished, weā€™d have this every day on smaller bills.


Wow we sure bombed the shit out of Somalia in the Trump Era.

Gotta bomb something so Trump can feel like a Tough Guy.

Joe Biden is a coward that wonā€™t kill faceless nameless brown people in a foreign country Iā€™ve never heard of. NOT MY PRESIDENT!


they love this brandon person so much, iā€™m beginning to think they think he is a war criminal.

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Thatā€™s why we stand no chance and theyre going to dominate democracy for most of our lives. Theyā€™re way more dedicated