The Presidency of the Joes, part II: lol documents

“nobody wants to work”

the money shots:

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NPR going all-in with the INFLATION! moral panic today, three inflation stories in a row. Did you know Thanksgiving will cost 14% more this year? It’s inflation!

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Those Koch dollars are seriously paying off. Haven’t listened in years.

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They will seamlessly transition to being Nationalist Public Radio and no one will notice.


The Dollar Tree is now the $1.25 Tree! INFLATION!


Felt good about stocking up on Dollar Tree notebooks before the 25% inflation kicked in. But my rent may have gone up. Can’t win.


Your use of future tense is amazing evidence for your claim.


lol is it cool to hate npr now?

Their target demographic is very much centrist Dems so naturally they will have content that we lol at from time to time. I like lots of their content, and think they should have a budget and style more like the CBC or BBC, so I’m not a hater.

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It always was? Every major news outlet is partially to blame for how fucked up this country is and how much worse it’s going to get

This is true at the surface level, but it’s kind of a “both sides” thing. When you’ve got your OANs and Fox News running around doing explicit fascist propaganda, NPRs “problems” are pretty small in comparison. It’s like Hitler vs. @iron81 - I don’t agree with either of them, but I like one of them.


Still mad about the TAL episode sucking off betsy devos a few years ago. Enraging.

haven’t listened to that one. what did they say?

This was 3-4 years ago when she was part of trump land fucking everything up and this story was “oh look how nice this lady is”

Iron sucks but calling him Hitler is a bit much.

I mean I kinda agree but the media is also part of why we are here. They serve the same bullshit neoliberal systems who have fucked the working class. Plus they lie and sensationalize.

If we had legit news reporting on the real issues of the working class, pointed out the corruption in DC, and generally did good reporting then the republicans wouldn’t stand a chance even with their fascist arms of propaganda.

Although on the flip side part of why media is like that is because that’s what gets clicks and views.

So fuck the media but also fuck the people

ok i can see some of that, although i wouldn’t equate this type of error in news editor judgement with another outlet that is straight up platforming fascists.

So there’s some RW outrage that Kamala bought like a $400 pan en France. That’s as much as a big chunk of my whole kitchen kit but it’s Le Creuset. She should at least get some credit for solving the shipping logistics problem imo.

I assume she just took it with her on Air Force 2.

We need a real man of the people to return some dignity to the White House after this liberal coastal elitisim


Costco is selling turkey for $1/lb. $400*(1 lb/1$)*(1 turkey/16 lb)= 25 turkeys. Yep, high-powered dimensional analysis verified.

I got a smaller bird since it’s just me for dinner. It’s ready to go in the oven on a $15 half sheet baking pan. I won’t begrudge Kamala her nice cookware for even an instant as I enjoy the leftovers over the next couple of weeks.

Me too.