The Presidency of the Joes, part II: lol documents

I didnt know Nevada had a dem super majority

Thought experiment: Maybe this isn’t so bad. Shit, make the entire bill that way.

Have a provision in there that says that after a certain amount of time, any excess dollars get divvied up among the states that did accept it.

Force those fucks in deep red states to either vote for taking Biden money or vote to give more money to California.


Gotta love that there are three hard blue states with Republican governors. Morons.

National Socialist Party


And they’re by and large the most popular governors in the country.

It really shouldn’t be that hard to believe that the people who vote for Joe Biden will also vote for a Republican who manages to be only a little racist and tries hard to act normal. That’s basically what Joe Biden is!


I know it’s been a while, but I like Sabine’s breakdown from her vlog this week.


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Can’t speak for Maryland or Massachusetts, but this is not true in Vermont.

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Havana Syndrome is a complete fabrication and in a just world, anyone entertaining it should be laughed out of the room. Including whoever this person is that concluded they probably weren’t making it up. Jesus

I don’t recall it being true for Maryland either, although it wouldn’t surprise me. Ben Jealous was not a popular candidate among the establishment wing last time around.

Except you don’t present any evidence or make an argument. This person’s credentials are that she’s a no-nonsense physicist and generally a skeptic. If she agreed with you she’d have no problem saying it.

Seems like something in the water/food/air is another option. If a bunch of people at the office get nausea at the same time, I’m assuming there was botulism in the potato salad that day. Course that doesn’t explain it happening at other locations.

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I think it’s plausible that there was something to the original cluster of cases in Cuba. The rest of the claimed cases since then are mass hysteria and/or a CIA op designed to provide another reason why the national security state needs more money and power.

My evidence is decades of an immoral imperial state lying to oppress the rest of the world in the service of the elite. Taking anything that they say at face value, which this person does, is the mark of a complete idiot

I don’t believe anything that comes out of the mouths of these terrorist spooks and neither should anyone else

What’s your evidence for this? I mean you could accuse a lot of people of this, lol at picking on Hossenfelder. She is much better than most at identifying and evaluating the quality of her sources. You can laugh and call her names but it’s not very convincing if that’s all you’ve got.


His big plan to tax billionaires is to steal some of their silverware. GET 'EM JOE!

This hobnobbing with billionaires is Shitlib 101.


We don’t have those laws in America. Otherwise the DOJ surely would have nailed Trump for violating all of them repeatedly.


Seems like a big swing…


Michigan’s red legislature is sitting on couple hundred million in Covid relief they won’t release.