The Presidency of the Joes, part II: lol documents

I don’t believe them for a second.

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I mean the recent elections showed turn out won’t be a big problem for them. They’re out there at school boards and organizing. You’re looking at the most motivated group of voters ever

They really think democrats are the evilest group in history. As bad as Nazis. Their whole lives revolve around hating them

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this is a really good ad

It’s all true, but it seems to aim above the attention span of the average American so I’m not sure how “good” it is as a political ad.

This SALT thing is going to be such a political albatross for Democrats next year.

They’ve put themselves in a position to be legitimately criticized by REPUBLICANS for being to friendly to the wealthy.

I don’t see how they don’t get steamrolled 2022/2024.

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Yes but a lot of that will come from an R congress hamstringing a D president. Hopefully 2 years of fatigue from that will produce a backlash

Why don’t we hear a damn thing about Biden trying to fix the supply chain? Even if you can’t do anything, at least look like you’re fucking trying

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Let’s go Brandon

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lol, just you average wealthy family making 4.5 million.

amber ruffin had a great segment on this. basically, only conservatives have to come up with something like “let’s go brandon” to hide their feelings. progressives have no problem saying “fuck joe biden” out loud

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believe it or not, he actually has, the media isn’t on his side so they dgaf to report it.

were they on obama’s side, guess that’d be the only one in a long time, maybe weren’t then either i don’t remember. They clearly haven’t been on biden’s side anyway.

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There’s 10s of thousands of households in the US with income above $5 million. The IRS published stats on the number of returns filed at different income bands.

I was slightly skeptical of this, but factcheck says: true!

This is for 2018. It’s even true to say there’s 10s of thousands of returns above $10 million.

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The facts about wealth disparity in the US will always catch people off guard because the politics about it is all driven by emotional narratives.


it’s easy to forget just how big a country of 350m people is. but compared to the 30-40k or 40-50k slice, there’s almost 100 times (!) fewer households.


A+ job fellas


trying to gauge how much money that is. say you take away $20k in tax reductions for the $4.5m family, and redistribute to the other tax bracket. that’s roughly $200/family in the $45k range. not significant enough to make a dent in any of their bills. but otoh it’s probably enough to fully fund free public transport everywhere, and is easily worth more than $200/year to 90% of households.


Is there any state on there with red on either of the upper or lower house lines that are going to pass this?

They probably think it will help them in 2022 or some galaxy brain shitlib nonsense