Democratic Primaries 2020 - With a whimper

I don’t know what you mean.

Some people are against Biden for principled reasons. Others solely because he is not Bernie.

Really? The whole thing about Bernie being a cult of personality also reeks of snobbish elitism. imo. With love and respect.

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Let me ask you this. Who could have won the primary that would have deceived widespread support among hardcore Bernie supporters?

I haven’t noticed the Buttigeig supporter being in love with Joe. Is it only the scary Bernie supporters who need to fall in love/line?

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Anyone who voiced full throated non compromised demands for the same policies. Anyone who didn’t waffle on M4A, anyone who denounced the imperial war machine in all it’s excesses. Anyone who made it seem remotely like they were on the same side as us.


So no one.


Thanks for the free psychoanalysis. I remain confident, however, that these pressing concerns you have will remain exclusively something for people who disagree with you to contend with. Probably exclusively posters to your left, in fact. I don’t think eg Clovis or ChrisV are going to be getting little essays about the frothy cocktail of cynicism and naivete that prompts them to opine on US politics.

Sanders endorsed Biden, btw, and I wish he hadn’t. But the fact that he has and I wish he hadn’t should give pause to your theory that I regard Sanders as some pure and incorruptible blah blah blah. Assuming that theory is genuinely felt, of course — the last time I spoke about things in systemic terms, you didn’t seem to be a fan. Yet here you are chiding my ostensible Great Man approach to politics in favour of a systemic perspective. Curiouser and curiouser.

I asked in the thread I made and got no answer, btw: If Trump’s re-election indicates a strong chance there’ll be no future elections, what makes you think a Trump defeat would end his presidency? And given that the Republicans’ voter-suppression antics weren’t curtailed by Obama’s presidency, why do you think a Biden presidency is so all-fired important in stopping them? Isn’t that something which, if it’s to be solved electorally, will be solved by downballot votes (if you can stomach discussing this with a non-American)?


Exactly. It’s good when they prove your point for you.

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How on earth is that proving any kind of point?

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I apologize for apparently being a terrible communicator earlier. Just to be clear, I wasn’t trying to say that #BelieveWomen is some kind of nonsense or trying to water it down to mean that every woman needs her every utterance believed in all contexts, etc.

If you read my post carefully and give me some benefit of the doubt, I think you’ll see that I was only trying to say that it is frustrating and sometimes hard to ignore the vocal minority of Bernie supporters who are transparently not sincere about the things they claim to believe in. Even though they should be ignored.

That shit is self-evidently true.


If you replace Bernie supporters with ALL Canditates supporter’s have rude troll farms and maybe not be all in good faith and some be Bots, then I can see were we’re going.


As I said long ago I can’t be a Berniebros because there just not left enough for me or many European left-facing people, he had decent policy’s for the US but I’m afraid if he was British I would not be in his camp.

My badge means what it says…

Novara Media ftw

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It also shows who the mouth breathing morons are.

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The waiters?


Can’t wait untill the proletariat rises up and governs and dazzles us with their competence.

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Well, I’ll try again then: Nah, you’re a thoroughly unpleasant person with a penchant for attacking women by shitting on the vulnerable, a known snob and now an enthusiastic rape apologist, but you don’t even have stupidity as an excuse.

Comity and courtesy all round, this time. Much better


You either lack the capacity for or concern about truth and accuracy. You seem to care mainly about rhetoric, as rational inquiry seems you elude you. There are right wing trumpists and left wing trumpists and always have been. You’re a left wing wing trumpist and a source of disinformation.


Cool, now say I look like I have Down syndrome in hopes of impressing strangers on the internet fifteen years your junior.

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