
We can for sure define working class in a way that would suggest they were responsible for trump, it’s just that, that definition would leave off most working people.

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Anyone complaining about virtue signaling has made an idiotic post, but isn’t necessarily an idiot. I like simp. Run it up to quarantine cabin fever and his fitness classes being cancelled, imo.

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The stats on income were posted by more than one person in this thread yesterday. One thing to know here is that there is not any real data on this. No one really know who anyone voted for. It’s based on exit polling. And there is no definition of “working class” and it’s certainly not tracked in the US. But, income/wealth is the best proxy for it and it’s not close despite the information being a bit fuzzy because of poor students. And Hillary won by a large margin with people making less than $50k/year and lost with people making more.

Trump did indeed win bigly with white people. As I pointed out (and simplicitus agreed with!) it was stuff like race/racism and religion that mattered, not economic class. Rich white protestant males (gender mattered too) voted for Trump.

We’re going to ban someone for having an occasional bad take? C’mon, man.


This one’s from an old thread so I can’t quote it directly:

You and some other posters are proving my concerns about a subset of Bernie Bros time and again in this and other threads. However, as I noted, we need stupid people to be on our side, which is one of the reasons why I think Bernie can beat Trump. Bernie had the highest donor support among waiters and Liz had the highest support among mathematicians. In a popularity contest, you want the support of the waiters.

This one, to be fair, he’s only calling the poor incompetent, so maybe I’m a liar

This drama is always fun but I don’t think anyone actually wants to ban anyone, right? Tab just likes to take dumps and then run away. It’s his thing.

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Of course it’s impossible that simp will be banned. I guess if you just want to :heart: simplicitus it might make sense that you’d react to some suggestion I missed about banning him, but it’s obviously unnecessary.

Except in jest of course, we shouldn’t be talking about banning each other at all. If we aspire to community, that’s toxic. Even if we just aspire to be like the proverbial chess club… that’s still toxic. Would anyone even want play in a fantasy sports league, if all the other players ever talked about is kicking each other out?

@ microbet is right… we need to start not being mean to each other.

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The drama is fun for a tiny minority. The rest of us don’t want anything to do with it and think it reflects very poorly on the community to keep pushing this dumb shit to the front page of the forum.


I forget what your alternative was. A new thread each time for posts like this? I’m not sure how we can avoid this type of thread altogether if we are to be community governed. The discussions are a necessary evil of that type of governance, right?

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What did the mods say when you asked them to ship this whole bad posters thread over to France BBQ? Doesn’t that simple fix address all of your personal concerns?


I know we’ve been through this a bit and people are going to @ me for telling you your history, but it’s pretty wild that you are so anti-working class because a group of middle and upper class intellectual vanguarders passed themselves off as representing the working class and then used their power to oppress that class and then your impression is that the vanguard itself was working class.


That was microbet’s suggestion and it’s a good one because no one starts threads so if you start one to say somebody sucks, they probably really suck.


Ok, I’m down for that.

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The term “proletariat” doesn’t have anything to do with education. And given the disparities in education in this country, your interpretation isn’t much more charitable.

The person who actually took power studied law and was the son of someone who studied physics and mathematics and taught at a prestigious school.

Lenin and Trostky were both intellectuals of middle/upper-middle class. They took power, not Stalin. They pushed out the proletariat in 1917-18. They disempowered the working class before Stalin was in power. They broke up or took power from the Soviets. Trotsky led the Red Army to crush working class rebellions. All of this before Stalin.

And Stalin was poor and uneducated, but not really working class. What was his working class job? Was he a factory worker? A farmer? No, he was the criminal class. He was a thug that the vanguard used to keep people in line - and to rob banks and such to raise money for the revolution.

My solution was to simply move it off the front page. And more than a week later Sabo is still pitching a fit over that grave injustice.


This makes it seem like you are saying Lenin was cool and then Stalin made things bad. Lenin was not cool. He wasn’t a complete psychopath like the guy he had used to rob banks and murder people who tried to eat the wheat they grew instead of sending it all to the cities, but he was not cool at all - and he was not working class.

And the working class had no power at any time after 1918. No one did but the political elite. It was not rule by the working class. It was absolute rule by a political party, an elite, and structurally no different than any kind of rule by a small minority whether you call them aristocracy, capitalists, or party members.