Democratic Primaries 2020 - With a whimper

If you replace Bernie supporters with ALL Canditates supporter’s have rude troll farms and maybe not be all in good faith and some be Bots, then I can see were we’re going.


As I said long ago I can’t be a Berniebros because there just not left enough for me or many European left-facing people, he had decent policy’s for the US but I’m afraid if he was British I would not be in his camp.

My badge means what it says…

Novara Media ftw

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It also shows who the mouth breathing morons are.

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The waiters?


Can’t wait untill the proletariat rises up and governs and dazzles us with their competence.

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Well, I’ll try again then: Nah, you’re a thoroughly unpleasant person with a penchant for attacking women by shitting on the vulnerable, a known snob and now an enthusiastic rape apologist, but you don’t even have stupidity as an excuse.

Comity and courtesy all round, this time. Much better


You either lack the capacity for or concern about truth and accuracy. You seem to care mainly about rhetoric, as rational inquiry seems you elude you. There are right wing trumpists and left wing trumpists and always have been. You’re a left wing wing trumpist and a source of disinformation.


Cool, now say I look like I have Down syndrome in hopes of impressing strangers on the internet fifteen years your junior.

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Equating intellect and ability with socioeconomic status is a really good look. You should keep doing this.


I suppose if you really believe this, then I can see why you’d be excited about the difference between Biden and trump.


Simp limiting his unstuck posting to solely race-science-adjacent takes wasn’t expected, but I’m here for it.


Another well thought out and sourced rebuttal.

I said I’d vote for the woman whose laregest outlier in support was mathematicians vs the guy whose largest outlier support was waiters. I admit to the parochial view that mathematicians tend, on average, to make better judgements about information-laden subjects than waiters. I shamefully tend to favor intelligent and we’ll informed views on questions of public policy, which apparently makes me a class traitor or whatever.

It’s always easier to score points in an argument my simply making up things about the other side. In fact, it’s the standard mode of online discussion and political debate generally.

That said, I don’t believe Tara Reade. She’s a liar and a fabulist. Even if I did believe her, her allegations wouldn’t matter much to me, because the 2020 election is a zero sum contest. It seems like those inclined to support her are more interested in justifying their pre-existing dislike of Biden than actual concern for whether he stuck his finger in her hoo ha 25 years ago. As we approach 100k dead, let us solemnly turn our thoughts to the travails of this poor woman and what a terrible person Joe Biden is.

Just an absolute scumbag. Pure moral filth. And shit like this is lurking just below the surface with way, way more liberals than many people might think.


“Can you imagine what that monster Bill Clinton did to that poor Lewinsky woman? He must be impeached in the name of all that is pure and virtuous!”



Ok I’m going to try to take you seriously. What is getting worse? Name the social or economic metric getting worse in the US or globally if we take out the last three years as an anomaly.

The only one I can think of is income inequality and there is some debate if it’s going up globally given the huge gains being made among the poorest countries.

Let’s play make believe. What if Bernie had won and Sara Meade came out with similar allegations against him? What would you do? Call for him to drop out, call for him to make a public apology, vote for Trump, move on, evaluate the evidence and find it lacking?

My point was that your concern strikes me as empty moralism covering for a different agenda.