COVID-19 (2): Turns out it's going to be pretty bad actually

Same thing

People at home more
People cooking more
People using more paper towels than usual

20k seems to be al least within the ballpark?

Elon is not going to save us, my dude.


Yup this model is total trash and this was always the biggest reason why. Been a bit jarring to see people posting it here as gospel the last few days.

Important if true. But, maybe they would exist and we would be forced to rely on a government that, like our, fails to provide critical services.

Likely not. Maybe the techbro working on a faster DNA test for the virus will help save us instead? Or maybe jack will save us with his billions? Or maybe Gates pre-building vaccine production capacity will?

Or maybe millions of people will die? The delusion is that all government failures are the fault of the hated enemy class (“it’s systemic my dude”) and that all efforts to route around the manifestly broken system are proof that the system doesn’t have enough power.

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Yea if Italy has 500 deaths today and 400 tomorrow then 20k will make sense. I dunno, I guess we will take a look at those projections in like a week and see where we are at.


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More on the we are effed front

I don’t want to like the pro-billionaire part of this take, but do want to like the anti-government part.

LOL. My man, who do you think actually does the science? It’s not your beloved class of billionaire saviors.

Kind of implies a larger covert infected population, and since cases are much more likely to be undercounted than deaths, a lower mortality rate.

Nah, just the specific part where tax revenues have been whittled away to maximise the wealth of a tiny fraction and public expenditures captured by the influence that wealth commands to further maximise the wealth of that tiny fraction.

all efforts to route around the manifestly broken system are proof that the system doesn’t have enough power.

This part’s essentially correct, though I had a good chuckle at the libertarian framing of ‘not enough power’.

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Helps explain all of those stories about unexplained and excessively high death numbers that aren’t being attributed to COVID.

There are lots of deaths being undercounted. We are currently only counting deaths at hospitals and even those are being systemically undercounted. The mortality rate might be lower but we won’t really know if it is or not until we have reliable data.

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Uh, yeah , everyone knows that. The bad guy billionaires pay scientists to research novel ideas, and the good guy government pays bureaucrats to ban working tests for pandemic disease. Smart guy 101.

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I’m sure that deaths are undercounted all across the globe but cases are surely much more likely to be undercounted than deaths.

HoW CAn wE Pay fOr It?

By taxing the fuck out of billionaires, we’ve been over and over and over and over this. Just not able to process it on a like neurological level, I guess.


I’m kind of mystified about how to interpret this. I mean, we know that the virus was spreading basically unchecked in the US for like at least 6 weeks. It seems weird that we can’t tell between 2.5^10 and 6^10 or 9^10.