Democratic Primaries 2020 - Was it over when the Germans bombed Pearl Harbor?

I’m saying purely anti-Bernie ads from a PAC no one has ever heard of would be such an obvious ratfuck that it would backfire/have no effect.

Lmao at the optics of Klobs dropping one day after Pete.

The endorsements are overrated. We’ve seen the diminishing value of endorsements for years and people who were voting for Pete and Klobs are not all going to go to Biden. Many will go to Bernie, Warren, and Bloomberg too.

Bernie beats everyone except Warren by solid margins head to head. The sooner delegates aren’t being split multiple ways the better Bernie’s chances are.

You can’t whine about how the multi way race is going to screw Bernie because he won’t get enough delegates to avoid getting screwed over and then also be upset that the field is thinning.

Bernie needs to focus on beating Biden head to head to win the nomination. The sky isn’t falling, he can and will beat Biden. Tomorrow should be a good day for Bernie.


Given there were more non progs than progs, it was always going to consolidate from simple game theory and now it’s 2 vs 2.

also kinda lol that bernie was just handed Minnesota and everyone here thinks he just got hosed and they’re screwing him.

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Tbh I’m interested to see how skydiver squares Pete endorsing Biden. IIRC she had Biden ranked last out of the Dems and was pretty strongly against him.


It’s actually a great example of why endorsements don’t matter. There are probably few people in the country that were more pro-Pete than sky and I would bet his endorsement of Biden means nothing to her.

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CNN’s homepage

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Hell still claim it

Clyburn’s did in SC. Obviously most don’t (especially newspapers/media).

I’m assuming this is about Chris Matthews.


Chris Matthews with a surprise retirement tonight under pressure over a series of on-air gaffes and the Bernie/Nazi comparison, as well as some accusations of verbal sexual harassment (comments on female guests’ appearance).


I wasn’t sure if it was that or the coronavirus surge :zipper_mouth_face:

Those type of attacks are used all the time and they work, regardless of how transparent they are. Remember Swiftboat Veterans?

WTF, Buttigieg and Klobuchar are endorsing Biden together at a rally in Dallas???

GOP Senate primary in AL is semi-interesting. The top two contenders are Jefferson Sessions and Tommy Tuberville. Sessions is widely hated because Trump. Tuberville is widely hated because he is the former Auburn head football coach. The guy running third appears to have no chance.

Oh and Roy Moore is also running.

Doug Jones is not completely drawing dead this November!


I was thinking about how stupid it is that only people on the left retire in the face of their shameless behavior. Then I realized that Matthews is hardly a liberal or leftist or whatever, it’s just that the GOP has defined their brand as so shameless that I automatically categorize anyone who takes an inch of responsibility as Not GOP.


Life is pain indeed.


Meanwhile Lulzi Garbbage is still in the race

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Still better than Biden or Bloomberg

I almost want to bet that Tulsi will still be “running” when the convention starts.