Who will run in 2020?

Harris doing better than Warren though. Maybe they hate Massachusetts.

Maybe they just hate folks from Massachusetts. Tough but fair imo.

edit: goddammit

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Good news.

Bad news is exit polls will probably be largely in favor of Dems and Trump will just magically win by under 1%.


Better hope the plane doesn’t run out of forks…

Nah, Amy seems harmless enough. She’ll drop out soon, and probably end up endorsing Biden, because life is pain.

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So weird they didn’t even ask about Beto in Texas, but they did ask about Booker?

They did. It’s in the link at the end of the tweet. Weird that the tweet didn’t highlight that though.


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Someone tell the Democratic Party about the NFL, you know, the highest rated programming in the country.


Elizabeth Warren is fucking good at this. I don’t care what Emerson says now, I know what will happen if she faces Trump in the general. She’s going to tar and feather the bastard and then ride him out of town on a rail… to the preselected drop off point where every liberal leaning prosecutor in the country will fight over the opportunity to lock him in a 6x6x6 box for the rest of his short and miserable life.

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She’s just going to eviscerate him while he meekly mutters “something something Pocahontas”.

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Lol, that’s amusing. Wall Street is going to have to be reformed in the next few decades whether it be Sanders, Warren or someone else. It’s almost as if they’re in denial that the new gilded age is not going to be reckoned with.



I love how she isn’t afraid to take on the culture war.

This is the kind of incompetent BS that makes my blood boil tbh.



Many of these same CEOs supported Trump over Hillary - even though Hillary by any indication would be more friendly to their business and provide that consistency and predictability they all claim is so important. Nope - let’s roll the dice on a maniac instead. Have to think there’s a ton of mommy issues at play here.

I would irl fight Jim Kramer

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Bear Stearns is fine


Investors are fucking drunks when it comes to laissez-faire capitalism. Kramer is hilarious in that clip.

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