Democratic Primaries 2020 - Was it over when the Germans bombed Pearl Harbor?

This one is better. The full exchange for the full effect.

If this is a fight to join Biden as VP, which one wins? Pete or Amy?

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Halla-fucking-loo-yaw (re: Chris Matthews “retires”)


Updated Dem candidate rankings

  1. Bernie
  2. Warren
  3. Joe!
  4. Bloompa Loompa
  5. Tulsi

This is an insane collection of people I’m not sure who would be the worst

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Beto endorsing Biden tonight too?

Yeah, regardless of what happens outside of Bernie winning, they are going to claim he got rat fucked. Heaven forbid anyone try to run against him.

well, Tuberville beat Bama 6 consecutive times so yeah he’s probably very respected but definitely hated.

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Are you saying that socialism will play better in the general election than in the democratic primary? That is delusional.

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Exciting, we are just moments away from watching Pete sell the last few pieces of his soul on live television.

This one, I am a centrist on. The deck is completely stacked against Bernie by the wealthy and powerful. But if we are ever going to overthrow the corrupt elite then now is the time, when they are reducing to propping up a senile creep. If we can’t do it now, then the Revolution will have been proven to be a pipe dream.


When you see ratfucking happening right in front of your eyes, what else should you call it?

If he was losing because he wasn’t generating support and wasn’t getting any votes, nobody here would say that he got ratfucked or say the system is fucking stupid. If the system was: who gets the most votes wins like it should and he didn’t get enough votes (disregarding voter suppression), there wouldn’t be any complaints.

How is this hard to understand?

I mean, Donald Trump is President and has been degrading and embarrassing the office and the country for over 3 years. Just look at him ffs. If the American people aren’t ready to rise up in huge numbers to not only vote this idiot out of office but completely tip over the table and demand a serious change then frankly the most powerful country on the planet is a complete shithole. A binary choice between Bernie and Biden ought to be an absolute landslide for Bernie if there’s to be any hope at all.


Also it’s whatever. I don’t consider whats happening right now to be ratfucking. I think its probably a case of them colluding together to have the best shot at stopping Bernie though. But if Joe gets the most delegates I’ll still vote for him.

Ratfucking is Bernie getting a clear plurality and Biden & Bloomberg trying to combine their delegates to take the election. When you see 39% of bloomberg voters have Bernie as their 2nd choice its clear having all his delegates go to Joe is not democratic and is against the interests of the voters.

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Beto also endorsing Biden. These people are all just terrible.


That’s just batshit insane. Again, I’m voting for Bernie, I want M4A, but you are absolutely delusional if you think socialism would play better with a group that includes the right and the left, versus a group that is limited to the left. Jesus Christ.

Sadly, in the end, we’re probably all right that whoever the nominee ends up being, attack ads will turn the other side of the party off enough where lol trump wins.

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Bernie supporters should just all vote Trump and the immediately mass migrate to Canada.

You gotta admit, it’d be pretty funny.

Has Bernie even ran any serious attack ads? Pretty sure he hasn’t. Then again he’s the only person who actually gives a fuck about the American people and stopping Trump.


Joe is rambling again

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I haven’t seen a single Sanders TV ad

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