Democratic Primaries 2020 - Was it over when the Germans bombed Pearl Harbor?

Good Lord, Kornacki on the verge of tears talking about his admiration of Chris Matthews. Not a good look, dude.

Yeah nobody who is actually serious considers pointing out someones votes as an attack ad. People deserve to know the voting records of their choices.

Also fucking lol at the whole opporesearch shit. I said this before I even knew Bernie was running again, Bidens super creepy shit with children is disturbing and would get him absolutely killed in the general. Not to mention the Iraq war etc.

I was referring to the general election. Something like this.

(this is bloomberg claiming some house reps have issues up to 5 points if bernie is the nom, which is plausible given there’s a lot of moderate districts flipped from 16 out there)
Of course most people here think the same thing will happen to Biden in the general. I think we all mostly know the Biden ones already they’re gonna do. Not sure what’ll stick on Bernie yet but we all know they’ll push something even if they just make shit up. Whether it works or not (ie, KENYA) for votes is another story.

Beto is such a cuck

Chris Matthews getting fired–life is weird and full of unexpected things. He said ridiculous shit so he’s clearly gotta go but man you kinda thought he’d never go away.

Nobody who isn’t already a Trump supporter is gonna believe the bullshit from the right this time. Like not even a lil bit. Especially about Bernie.

They will believe the videos they see of Biden though because they’re real.

It’s not gonna be bullshit. He’s been in politics long enough. The overhype against it will be though but it will get some traction out there since somehow it always does.

These people all bending the knee to senile Grandpa joe is so disgusting. My give a fuck meter is going to be at exactly zero if it is Biden vs. Trump.

It’s days like these where I get a dark chuckle thinking back to being lectured by nun for saying the Dems are literally a worse enemy to progressive policies than Republicans. How can you watch this happen over and over and not realize these people are not on the side of the people. They are all bought and paid for corporate stooges and this is literally the duty they have to perform for the masters to keep their sliver of power. Their job is to pretend to be on our side while selling us all down the river so insurance companies and their owners can make that sweet sweet money that they have no chance of even spending in their lifetime.

And don’t get me started on Pete. He is 37. He is a traitor in the worst sense of the word because he is completely selling his age group out for what? To have the chance to do an Obama impression at some Grandpa Joe rallies? It’s about as naked of a lust for power as I have ever seen.


I’m am legit shocked at the Beto endorsement. WTF did that come from?

I find it hilarious that Pete was forced to give the endorsement in like the courtyard of some restaurant or behind someone’s house, but Beto and Klobuchar get to do it at the big Dallas rally. GJGE GOPete. Way to play your hand strongly. Bye, now.


well voting in TX is tomorrow and Beto is TX so if he was gonna endorse Biden now is the time.

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It was planned by the campaign and Senior Advisor Lis Smith is lol salty about it:

Lis seems a little salty today. I wonder why?

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Obama reportedly did not directly tell Buttigieg to endorse former Vice President Joe Biden. But he did tell the former South Bend, Ind., mayor that he now has leverage and should consider how to use it, a Democratic official familiar with the conversation told the Times.

Yes it will be and no it won’t. lol at comparing our current political climate to anything in the past.

Outside of Trumps die hard supporters everyone knows everything the right says is complete made up horseshit. And they know Trump has done worse. It’ll come down to who they like more or who they feel will be better for them personally.

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The “and now this” segment last night on John Oliver was a mashup of CM mispronouncing/slurring his words many times over while ending his show and introducing Chris Hayes. Dude has clearly been out of it for awhile.

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Well hearing of Chris Matthews departure certainly made today a better day. You won’t be missed.

All the lols in the world for Lis Smith


So much panic itt now. People act like the leadership of a political party trying to hold onto power against another faction of the party is unusual. This isnt surprising or organized, they’re pulling this suff out their ass. If it was organized they’d have been sabotaging Bernie for 3 years already. Now this hail mary super Tuesday Joementum narrative is their last chance to hold onto their personal power and they’re legit shook.



Am i the only one seeing this?

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