Democratic Primaries 2020 - Was it over when the Germans bombed Pearl Harbor?

Yeah, I’m seeing a coronavirus over all of them.

Biden is shorter than Bernie on Betfair now.


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The favorite?

No but I’d love to.

Five Thirty Eight now has Biden favored over Sanders.

Contested 67%
Biden 17%
Sanders 16%

Which, reasonably interpreted regarding the convention is probably something like:

Biden 77%
Sanders 23%

give or take.

I mean it is our country being a democracy hanging in the balance.

There is legit no way Joe Biden beats Trump.


I wonder what the plan is at the convention, when Bloomberg offers delegates a million dollars apiece on the second ballot.

I’m choosing to believe the establishment knows they are going to get killed tomorrow and this is their hail mary but this ain’t Aaron Rodgers out there.

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Yeah, it’s a problem.

Avatars are normal for me in app and safari

I was kidding, if it wasn’t clear. They’re normal for me.

But it is kind of like having Mike McCarthy on the sidelines.

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Imo they overweight endorsements but yeah we could end up in a spot where Warren gets to choose.

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Her conditions for making a deal will be that Biden has to let her dictate some appointments for his economic team or Bernie has to publicly apologize for implying that she is a liar on national television.

I lold. With her political instincts an apology may be enough.

I usually disagree with Big, but I’m more on his side here. Remember that he’s Canadian as am I. Our taxes didnt get slashed like yours did. I think pretending like this happened due to NAFTA is a bad argument. The overall general culture of each country became a bit enhanced, that’s all.

Democrats all got their marching orders. Y’all quit saying it’s just the Republicans who fall in line.