Democratic Primaries 2020 - Was it over when the Germans bombed Pearl Harbor?

Eh, I’m pretty confident in Bernie’s chances tomorrow. Its what I see as the declaration of open all-out war going forward that concerns me.


Talk about swongs. Tomorrow is going to be either the best day or the worst day of many of our political lives.


It’ll be a good day, but almost certainly the last good day. And heading into the convention with ~35% for bernie doesn’t bode well.

Whens the next debate? I feel like Bernie could do a ton of damage to Biden now that they went this route and there are no other distractions.

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Trying to understand the rat fucking complaints here… Sanders and Biden are currently roughly tied with an insignificant number of delegates. The rest of the race will be between Sanders, Biden, Bloomberg, and Warren. Progressive Warren supporters abandoned her for Bernie weeks ago so her remaining support is all centrist scum, but at the same time she’s going to be to blame if Bernie doesn’t crack 50%. Even though her support is so insignificant at this point it’s unlikely they reach 50% combined. So posters are beginning to realize that Bernie’s cap is <50% no matter how the rest of the field plays out, and by definition then can only win if 2+ centrist candidates split votes. Bernie is “rat fucked” if the centrists split but one of them is chosen at a contested convention anyway, and he’s also “rat fucked” if the centrists consolidate behind a single candidate early enough to win outright.

This forum should be renamed to Unhinged Politics


That was a good video. I am going to subscribe to that channel :+1:

the 15th, so after the 10th primaries as well

It’s best for Bernie to either be head to head with one opponent, or have 5+ people splitting up the vote going to Super Tuesday in order to keep people below the 15% threshold. The worst case scenario for him is a field of 3-4, especially 4 where everyone hits 15%. Wouldn’t you know, they got it down to four at the last minute, with the Iowa winner shockingly dropping out before Super Tuesday?

Golly gee, why do people find this to be a form of cooperation/collusion among all of the moderates?

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I think there’s a decent chance that Edems made a beginner icm type mistake and just completely ducked themselves over, but we won’t find out til Wednesday.

The major issue seems to be that no one, including the DNC, knows how delegates are allocated lol

Right, that’s not a rat fucking though. You’re acknowledging that Bernie’s path to victory includes an arbitrary quirk where his opponents don’t get delegates in proportion to their votes. If that’s what you’re relying on to win you’re not promoting democracy.


There’s definitely an argument they might be better off if Klob had stayed in to keep bernie from winning MN since she was only getting like 3% elsewhere.

She was definitely dropping out immediately after that and maybe she was dropping out before but wanted to outlast Pete.

I just can’t imagine what you’re going through if you were an actual Pete or Klobuchar supporter. There’s a significant amount of people who have to be just crushed right now.

I wonder if it’s better to drop out before or during super tuesday? (edwards did that in 04)

During would’ve been hilarious on PI, but that’s already going to be screwed tomorrow night as it is.

Yeahh its not “rat fucking” we’re pissed about, its about how the DemE clearly would prefer Trump to get a 2nd term than get an actual (and barely!!) left wing agenda into office. Joe Biden will get stomped by Trump. Joe Biden will get the hilldawg treatment times 10. Its a complete garbage way to run a political party, desperately clinging onto power for… what? A salary? Parties run people who can win, push people who can win. Biden will not win. And I’m about 80% sure Bernie, AOC, and other allies will splinter the party at the end of year.


Bernie Sanders will also get the hilldawg treatment x 10.

The difference is Bernie has a legion of die hard supporters and a ton of his enthusiasm behind his campaign. Biden’s corpse doesn’t.

so did George McGovern.

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Hi everyone!

I’m not lying drunk on the floor. I only had a couple last night. We did get together at a bar and made the waiter very worried about us because we were crying then yelling then laughing then crying and laughing and yelling and laughing and crying and yelling…

My plans for today were to sleep in, binge netflix, and eat ice cream. Then my dogs woke me up early, local ABC affiliate called at 7:45 in the fucking morning, I did an interview with them, then with the NBC affiliate, then with the Guardian, I went home, took a nap, and now I’m wide awake.

As for the endorsement stuff…it’s very freeing to say that I don’t give a shit either way. I voted for Pete like 2 weeks ago. I will admit to getting a little teary when Joe compared Pete to his son, but that’s just emotions.

Being in CA, I feel like working for Bernie in the general would be less effective than working for our local dem candidates. I have built a huge list of potential volunteers for any local campaign that might want them (we’re leaning toward turning our efforts to Ammar Campa-Najjar’s campaign, but nothing is set until after tomorrow). I have always said this, even if Pete had won the nomination. I won’t volunteer for Biden or Bloomberg (fuck my life if Bloomberg gets the nom I’m moving to Canada).

Politically speaking, I see what they are doing. I understand why Pete dropped out when he did. I bet he also had some internal polling numbers. Also, he had a private meeting with Jimmy and Rosalyn Carter yesterday morning, and I’m SURE that had some influence over the decision. They have been friends for a while, and Carter is friends with Biden, as well. Not to mention there was the purported conversation with Obama. I’m not mad at Pete, and I don’t regret my vote or anything I’ve done this entire time. If Joe does win, Pete will be in his administration, so there’s that, but it’s not enough to make me want to back Biden.

Pete didn’t drop out for lack of funds (He was on track for his best quarter), either. He is paying his staffers an extra month to give them time to find other jobs. I know a lot of you seem to think he is fake but it’s not true, and I’ve been telling you all along. Please get used to Pete, he’ll be around for a while. And just because you’re young doesn’t mean you have to be a fiery revolutionary. I prefer progressives who actually make progress.

Now some hard truths for you guys. I am NOT a typical voter, not a typical “moderate” (whatever that fucking means anymore), and not a typical supporter of any candidate. I heavily dislike the rat memes and typical "bernie bro"attitude I see all over twitter and IRL, but it doesn’t mean I wouldn’t suppport Bernie because of it. But here’s the truth. Most of the people I work with and interact with are hurt and upset by the constant insults and barely-hidden homophobic attacks on Pete by the Chapo wing of Bernie-dom. It has influenced their votes. If you know people like this, or you ARE a person like this, you cannot do shit like this and expect other Pete supporters to get behind Bernie:

You all laugh about it here, but to expect the typical person to be shit on for months then turn around and vote for your guy is ridiculous.

As for collusion, um, duh. it’s called politics. If Bernie didn’t have a plan for this or an idea it would happen, I would be shocked. I hope I’m not shocked. If he didn’t, then he’s not as good a campaigner as I thought.

Finally, fuck you, Bloomberg. Thank you Pete for pre-empting Bloomberg’s ridiculous “infomercial”. Fuck you Bloomberg for jumping in and fucking up this race and hiring away as many possible people as you could so our local candidates are struggling to find staffers.


SKYDIVER!!! <3 <3 <3

Okay reading that post :)

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