Democratic Primaries 2020 - Was it over when the Germans bombed Pearl Harbor?

I don’t think it’s even this. I think they are truly so out of touch that they really think Biden has a better chance against drumpf.

You all are literally falling for Russian and Trump disinformation talking points. Trump very nearly literally tweeted out that the democrats are ratfucking Bernie to get people like you to not vote if Bernie isn’t the candidate. Meanwhile there are just as many people who aren’t going to vote for a “socialist” if Bernie is the candidate. I don’t know who the democratic nominee is going to be, Biden or Sanders, but I do know who’s going to win the general and it’s not either of them. Gjge everybody.


You are assuming that Dem E thinks Bernie has a better chance of winning than Biden. They don’t, the overwhelming majority of them think most likely think Biden has a better shot of beating Trump. I think they are wrong, but it’s pure lunacy to think any significant amount of them are lining up behind Biden because they prefer Trump.

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How so?

It’s basically the same thing, the other side of the party has to vote for them because orange man bad otherwise they both lose.

Biden mostly only turns off Bernie supporters, Bernie turns off less Biden supporters by comparison but also turns off more of the people that are swing voters.

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Here is an idea, why don’t they just let the process play out and see who the most electable candidate is instead of stacking the deck and bribing everyone to get behind their senile fool?



One thing I forgot to put in that long post is the VP calculations. for Biden, it certainly won’t be Amy, adn while I initially thought it would HAVE to be a black woman, I am not so sure. Biden already has that support. What he needs is the support of suburban white women and college educated voters.

enter Pete or Warren.

Bernie? Who knows. If he picks Tulsi I might just have to vote 3rd party.

This is absolutely not true lol, the opposite is true.


The DemE is not stupid. They can seen the signs, they can see that Bernie pulled in 20k+ in a rally tonight in a purple state and on a banner day, Amy and Joe can’t get 5k. They know that Bernie is a better candidate than Joe but they would rather lose with Joe. Its shameful.


It’s not the same thing, it gets at the motivations of the individuals. If you think that people prefer Trump over the other candidate and are lining up behind an unviable candidate to make sure that happens, you think that person is, like, worse than a MAGA chud. You are assuming they are immoral, horrible people, rather than just people who have different preferences. That’s a big difference.

LOL no I’m acknowledging that his path to 50% of the delegates requires that quirk. You think it’s promoting democracy that if he gets the most delegates, but it’s less than 50%, there’s a low chance he’s the nominee?

Lol, do you even know any democrats that aren’t Bernie supporters? I assure you few if any are supporting Biden because they are terrified of a Bernie presidency. Jesus Christ.

That’s exactly what’s happening.

Given the tough battle that Pete has for winning a state-wide election in Indiana, if he is not the VP candidate, do you think he would be more interested in a cabinet position or a role like DNC chairman?

He’s not talking about the voters.

No, but they’re in their own beltway bubble where literally everyone they know is rich and the Clinton wing of the party and always has been. They see whats happening but they don’t understand it. Itd like a Kuhnian incommensurability.

I am not voting for Joe Biden under any circumstances.


Ok so how about most votes or delegates is the nominee? I think everybody would be fine with that.

If not, that isn’t falling for Trump/Russian propaganda. Thats a conscious choice to take the nomination from the most popular candidate knowing it would heavily divide the party.

I doubt most Biden supporters would stay home if Bernie got the most votes, cuz I know most Bernie supporters wouldn’t if Biden did.

The problem is when one gets more votes and they give it to the other.

Cabinet, probably. Joe already “promised” it, publicly, in the tweet champ posted. Same with Amy.