Democratic Primaries 2020 - Was it over when the Germans bombed Pearl Harbor?


I’m on team WAAF.

The Democratic establishment has beautifully played this entire primary process against Bernie. With only Biden in and Warren existing to split the progressive vote, this can go to a brokered convention where everybody gets behind Biden.

So yeah, the nomination is being taken from Bernie in a way that appears legitimate to the uninitiated but to anybody with any political awareness is total bullshit.

God I hope Bernie runs third party. I feel bad for Bernie stans in America but Trump is probably the most honest representation of America as a country and is exactly what America deserves.


Alternatives were that:

  1. She was justifying current racist Israeli policy as an understandable response to this.
  2. Suggesting current Israeli policies were doomed to failure because of this.
  3. Personally thought more Palestinian babies were a bad thing generally.
  4. Merely describing how the Israeli state perceives the situation and empathising with / criticising this.

I don’t think Bernie would run third party under any circumstances

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You just make this up because the words “free trade” are in the law. How much did NAFTA increase the GDP? Then look at what it did for inequality and decide how many people it helped.

Here’s a little help with the first part.

For all that, most studies conclude that NAFTA has had only a modest positive impact on U.S. GDP. For example, according to a 2014 report by the Peterson Institute for International Economics (PIIE), the United States has been $127 billion richer each year thanks to “extra” trade growth fostered by NAFTA. For the United States, with its population of 320 million at the time of that study, the pure economic payoff was thus only $400 per person, while per capita GDP was close to $50,000.

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Stop implying that people who organize for and vote for a candidate you dislike is somehow immoral. Convincing people to vote for you isn’t ratfucking, it’s campaigning. I realize being asymmetrical is the in thing to do, but stop it.


Pre-NAFTA tariffs were low going into Mexico and moderate coming out. What we did was called “Kicking Away the Ladder”.

I don’t see anything wrong with saying that “all of these brown babies mean Israel’s gotta give in at some point”.

It’s like saying that Trumpism may be the last gasp for the white nationalist crowd because demographic realities mean that Texas could turn blue in the foreseeable future. All of those brown babies mean that Texas could be in play. Am I not allowed to say that?

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If they want to attack Bernie, I didn’t see why they need to funnel their money through a particular candidate to do it?

I was saying NAFTA will hurt Biden and it will, not that it was a black mark. It is, but that’s a completely separate thing. The Iraq War is also a black mark and it will also hurt him.

Our Free Trade policies with Japan, Europe and China are all solid. NAFTA, CAFTA and anything we do with developing countries is quite predictably shit even if they have the magic words “FREE TRADE” in the title.

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If they funnel it through the We Hate Bernie PAC then they look super-corrupt and the epitome of everything Bernie rails against.

If it’s an ad for Joe that happens to contain digs at Bernie and concludes w/ “I’m Joe Biden and I approve this message,” well that is just good old fashioned politics baby.


Bernie is being gamed by the establishment. Anybody who is incapable of seeing that is woefully ignorant. To not shout out about it would be un-American.


Hopes are collapsing right now but my god how good would it feel if Bernie just murder smashes it tomorrow


Maybe the demographics of Israel? Are they similar to the US where older people are more conservative than younger so it’s the same thing we talk about with regards to the US and demographics shifting away from the republicans?




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Yeah, gotta hope a ton of primary voters tomorrow don’t like Biden and vote Bernie so he can wafflecrush

What? Evidently they all already look corrupt, you’re convinced they are just doing all this to not look corrupt, because they actually are. But also, this is all dark money, so how would anyone know who is donating to make the connection? This makes no sense.

It’s obvious immoral to support a candidate with immoral positions. Wtf?

Those who are Bernie or bust need to go HAM at Biden and drive up his negatives so that he can’t claim to be more electable than Bernie. Use anti-Biden arguments that appeal to never-Trumpers.