COVID-19: Chapter 6 - ThanksGRAVING

Dems keep saying Trump is in awful health, but even he survived the Rona. So which is it, libs? Is Trump in poor health? Is the virus not as dangerous as you claim? Where do the lies end?


Wow, these morons in Rhode Island are shutting down bars and restaurants instead of elementary schools. Just shows you the kind of brain worms you get when you listen to all those economists instead of Rebekah Jones.

pretty sure Rebekah Jones people (whatever that means) aren’t in favor of leaving bars and restaurants open either. Are you making a joke that I’m missing?

I have completely lost any respect for you. Stop deliberately spreading disinformation from a known bullshit artist. Stop citing made up numbers.

Rhode Island has been hugely worse than the rest of the Northeast since like June. Whatever the hell they’re doing, it hasn’t been working out very well.

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I just looked into Rebekah Jones some more. Despite her regular rants about “economists”, she herself is not a data scientist, an epidemiologist or a health professional of any kind. Her degree is in geography and at university she did research relating to tropical storms.

State records show that she was reprimanded several times for violating Health Department policy on public statements, including releasing information she was not authorised to release, before finally being fired.

She accused the Health Department of directing her to alter case numbers before putting them up on the website, but when she finally gave details it was shit like this:

She has, however, suggested Health Department managers wanted her to manipulate information to paint a rosier picture and that she pushed back. In an interview late Friday on CNN she finally cited some detail, after several days of vague statements.

She said the state made changes in April to support its initial reopening May 4, for example by altering the way it reports the positivity rate of testing in a way she disagreed with. Instead of showing the rate of all positive tests, it began showing the rate of new positive tests — filtering out people who previously tested positive.

This was not a behind-the-scenes change. DeSantis announced it at an April 24 news conference, arguing it was the better figure for assessing trends in testing and control of the outbreak.

This is not the first time Rebekah has encountered workplace discipline, she was fired from Florida State from her teaching gig while doing her Ph. D. for having an affair with an undergraduate student.

Jones was later charged with misdemeanour stalking for, among other things, posting a revenge porn document online:

Rebekah Jones, 30, was charged in July 2019 with stalking a former boyfriend – long before the pandemic that catapulted her into headlines and television interviews. Police said she published a 68-page document online discussing private details of her relationship with her former boyfriend, including explicit texts and nude photographs, and shared the link with him.

The two had sex in a classroom in 2017 when Jones was his married professor at Florida State University, the man told police. She was fired from the university after threatening to give a failing grade to his roommate as revenge, he said. Jones said the two had a six-month affair until October 2017, and the man is the father of her daughter born in July 2018.

According to police, Jones wrote in emails to the man, “You’re going to be famous. We’re going to destroy each other. This is never going to end.”

This young man took out a restraining order against her and she was charged with felony robbery, trespass and contempt of court for violating that restraining order by coming back on campus, but those charges were dropped, I don’t know why. She did file a complaint of her own though:

In addition to the criminal charges, Jones sued her ex-boyfriend in June 2019 in civil court, accusing him of intentionally inflicting emotional distress, sexual battery, domestic violence, emotional abuse and defamation. She abandoned the lawsuit weeks later.

Jones said the 68 pages she was accused of publishing online were excerpts from a longer, 342-page collection of essays she wrote about her relationship with her ex-boyfriend. Those documents were filed in circuit court as part of her civil lawsuit.

You’re reading that correctly, she wrote a 342-page manifesto about this relationship (complete with explicit details about their sex life, apparently this dude had a big dick and it hurt the first time) and submitted it in a lawsuit. By the way, she was married to someone else while all this was going on.

This is an unstable fabulist who was fired legitimately for insubordination.

Dan’s tweet above alleges that the rate of COVID in high schools in Florida in the last two weeks is roughly three times the statewide case rate. This is an extraordinary claim. I challenge anyone to visit Jones’s data site and explain to me how this number is arrived at. The site is a mess. It relies partly on “public reports” which it is claimed are “verified”, but there are far too many reports for one person to verify, and it’s not explained how the site prevents duplication of reports, either multiple public reports of the same incident or duplication of official figures with public reports. In a word, the site is totally incomprehensible and any figures which Jones reports should be regarded as fabricated.

This garbage doesn’t belong ITT, Jones should be a proscribed source. I’d tempban @DanSpartan while I was at it because he knew full well that the data was not reliable.


There’s more than one?

lol, can you believe CNN still has her on regularly?

On second thought, yes, I very much can believe that.

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All please look at post 7734 and let me know why it got reported. Thanks -DS.

The media reporting around her has been really disgraceful. It’s not difficult at all to find reasons to doubt her credibility and none of her claims of being asked to manipulate data are substantiated. Her conflicts with her supervisors involved temporarily taking down data so that they could check it was correct. She was not told to “delete” data, just to make it temporarily unavailable. Read for yourself.

But she’s started her own website to get THE TRUTH out as a public service, what’s in it for he…

Jones has raised more than $183,000 on a GoFundMe website for her rival dashboard, where she says the data will not be “fudged.”


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Not shocked Jones is a grifter. I am shocked people think bars should be open ahead of schools? I think I may be getting leveled?


I didn’t really understand the point of bobman’s post, like if you’re a school-closure skeptic like he is then you think it’s insane to even discuss closing schools when things like bars, gyms, casinos etc are still open. The article was about Rhode Island closing those things while leaving schools open, which bobman presumably thinks is the right call. I didn’t understand the sarcastic tone though. Obviously nobody here would disagree with those things being higher-priority closures than schools, the debate is around whether to go further.

Yes for my mental health he is on ignore.

If someone can send me cites. I saw she had a personal issue with a student but nothing that calls into doubt her data.

I have not done a deep dive. I can readily not reference her further. I don’t care.


Had no idea that RJ was a nutter and so I appreciate Chris’ deep dive. Given the deplorable POS in charge of the state and how it’s a mortal lock that his administration has been fudging the data since the start, part of me still wants to believe her. But I’m obviously ok with asking people to rely on more solid sources.

Either way tho, the assault on Dan seems a little excessive.


no problem!

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This is a cautionary tale about living in media bubbles, like not just on the obvious level of Dan being a toddler and refusing to read anything he disagrees with for “mental health reasons”, but I had just taken it as read that Jones was a legit whistleblower who had resigned for ethical reasons. I thought it was more or less established fact that the Florida Health Department were playing fast and loose with their numbers. As far as I can tell there’s no basis to that at all and she was sacked for refusing to follow reasonable instructions from her superiors at her workplace. Her credibility problems were mostly reported by outlets like Fox News and the Daily Mail but the information is accurate and she has very much made herself a public figure, so all the stuff regarding her past is fair game. It’s really insane how much of the media is apparently still regarding her as a credible source.


No one would actually argue that closing schools before bars is good policy, because it’s a completely untenable, ludicrous position, but there’s a disproportionate amount of righteous indignation focused on shutting schools down and not much interest in actually shutting down the restaurants and the bars.

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My aggressive tone was because I demonstrated to him a couple times in direct replies that Jones was full of shit and he continued to post her. It never occurred to me that I might be on ignore. I thought it was college students that needed safe spaces, not middle aged men.

He directly replied to me a week ago, here, at the very beginning of the argument over Jones, so it appears that he ignored me because I was daring to suggest that the information he was posting from Jones was bullshit. Can’t have that, very mean, mental health to think about. Ignore and continue to post bullshit from obvious grifter.

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Um, nobody’s ignoring you because they disagree with you. They do it because you’re just a dick way too often and not everyone always has time for your shit.