COVID-19: Chapter 6 - ThanksGRAVING

The classic is malaria. If you have one allele of the sickle cell trait your a resistant to infection and do not suffer anemia. (If you have two you are malaria resistant but you do suffer sc anemia). If you have two “normal” alleles that you are susceptible.

We are absolutely fucked when the next one goes down, especially if its similarly fatal and soonish in transmission. If we get a vaccine for Covid and a year and a half from then a new corona shows up with a 2.5% fatality rate, there is 0 chance anyone in power forces a lockdown.

The next major outbreak will likely kill multiple millions without anyone batting an eye.

Well talk about someone that should have opted out. Worried about this guy.

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Yeah, that’s an obvious example and was in the link that Trolly posted.

What I’d be really interested in is a disease in which some people are immune and others are resistant or tolerant. This is apparently what was depicted in the movie (which once again, I haven’t seen).

Next door neighbor’s family got the rona on vacation to Mexico. I wondered why they disappeared for a whole month.

I keep seeing the blood type thing come up, so perhaps there is partial resistance?

Finally happened. My store of approximately 200 associates got its first case. Luckily for me, it was my assistant. So gonna have a fun little sweat for the next several days


Maybe. IIRC, those studies talk about an increased risk of death for certain blood types. But others still got the disease at a lesser severity. But if we’re defining resistance like that (i.e. disease with lesser severity) it kind of loses its meaning as most diseases affect different individuals with variable severity.

One of the guys I work closely with went out to a bar last Tuesday night and was talking about how he can’t smell bleach anymore earlier today. Not great!


If (insert elderly Republican) can survive the Coronavirus, then obviously I will too. This whole thing is a liberal hoax.

Today, one day later, they announced even more cases there. Now there are 36 residents and 15 staff members who have tested positive for COVID-19. This long term care home is absolutely fucked. Covid is just too lethal for old folks.

Going to need some kind of miracle for this to not be a complete disaster.


It doesn’t exactly matter if this is sarcasm or not cause like 60% of Americans believe it.

There is no god.


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PTSD rates are gonna be off the charts for nurses in America

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Restaurants and businesses are opening in the Czech Republic starting December 3rd.

Stores and shops are only allowed one customer in for every 15m squared at any one time. Restaurants are max 4 to a table at 50 percent capacity (only seated guests permitted) and can stay open from 6 am to 10 pm. Curfew will be lifted as well.

Closed pubs and non-essential stores for 4 weeks (OFS thou’)…

Hi all this post was reported for some type of abuse. I would appreciate some feedback if I’m missing something. Otherwise I believe that someone is acting in bad faith.


Look, Rebekah knows best (debunked by ChrisV in seconds)

All OFS…(scared?)

Pretty sure France is the only country to shut all bars and restaurants whilst OFS (maybe China too)

If we believe the US stats, then EU vs US rates per million are about equal today