The Raid (on Rebekah Jones's home)

Why are so many being such [redacted] about this?

What am I missing.

This guy is republican that’s proud of helping republicans get judges on Florida courts. His opinion isn’t the be all end all, but it’s probably to be weighted somewhat higher than us randos here.

And yes we know nothing else about him. He could be a nutter.

But why the knee jerk rejection.

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Because this lady seems like an unstable, grifter liar. None of her allegations have been supported by evidence as far as I can tell.

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Cite on covid related stuff please. And DeSantis doesn’t count.

OK? I just don’t think the cops treated her any worse than they would have treated anyone else.

I mean I could re-link to ChrisV’s old posts on how she was fired for cause and never showed any proof of her allegations but you have him on ignore because of those posts, so what’s the point.

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here ya go, already on it

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I thought it was a pretty obvious bit of sarcasm but I probably would have missed it too if my only purpose here was picking fights with literally everyone



Lol hacking. What hardware did they take?

No comment on whether this is true, but even if it is, that’s a major problem.


You had me at [redacted]. Something about [redacted] stooping to folly with twitter opinions I don’t like flips my wig too.

I’m reading everyone in this thread. Chris is not on ignore.

And I want cites in why the school tracking data is invalid by someone that doesn’t have a clear axe to grind. Like not the gov of Florida and not her weird affair.

Listen I’m not saying who is right and who is wrong but the gospel accepted that she is nutters about everything is slim.

I obviously wouldn’t have asked for cites if I wanted a retread of before.

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I mean did you read Chris’ posts about that in the covid thread a couple of weeks ago?

wHy DiDn’T sHe JuSt CoMpLy?


Rebekah claimed 3x the FL state case +rate was being measured in FL schools (first lol is that Florida / FL schools have the first clue as to how to track and trace)

There are many countries also experiencing Covid, who have had OFS for MONTHS longer than the US (some never closed) with actual track and trace - whom have never experienced such a thing - some (most) would say the exact opposite has been experienced.

I have a 10yr old nephew in WA who’s been out of school for 11 months now - not sure why

Rebekah’s BS ain’t helping.

How old was the young man she was riding? If under 21yrs, that’s a kid by US standards (see Epstein thread) - sounds a bit rapey IMO so not sure I find this lady reporting outlandish stats, not identified anywhere else on the planet as being a trustworthy cite of yours.

jesus christ

"## About the data

Our reporting focused on district-level and statewide coronavirus case totals for public schools in the United States. The numbers presented here are necessarily minimums because of differences in reporting.

Except where noted, case counts encompass Regular School Districts as identified by the Education Department and exclude special education schools, supervisory unions, component districts, regional education service agencies, state or federally operated agencies and charter agencies.

Statewide and district case totals were reported by state and local health and education agencies or were identified by The Covid Monitor or the National Education Association and independently confirmed by The Times.

The Times directly surveyed every school district in eight states: Colorado, Florida, Georgia, Illinois, Indiana, North Carolina, Texas and Utah. The response rate was 26 percent. Where possible, The Times sought to identify case totals since July 1.

Case counts represent the latest available data for each district or state, covering a period from Aug. 21 to Sept. 17.

Reporting periods and methods vary by district and state, so exercise caution when comparing areas. Several states do not identify school outbreaks of fewer than two or five cases, though they may include all cases in statewide totals. Some states report cases in educational settings but do not break out K-12 schools. Not all districts reporting cases have opened for in-person instruction."

Please cite non-anecdotal information as to what is wrong with the data. Be very specific. Thank you.

I did mention a Venn Diagram earlier. Seems like its holding.

It’s US data

well thats helpful how?