The Raid (on Rebekah Jones's home)

Per their own statement they clearly weren’t concerned with destroying evidence if they waiting 20 minutes trying to convince her to open door. It’s either blatant intimidation or they were fearful she is a violent criminal. Can’t possibly know for sure I guess.

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That information was only posted after I mentioned a potential fear of destroying evidence. I’d agree that fear is much less likely given that information.

Man, I have an incredibly hard time posting photos that I’m proud of on Instagram with hashtags because it seems like slimy self-promotion. This person is out there setting up go fund me’s as a career. I have a defective brain.

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The perfect confluence of hating COVID-19, hating Ron DeSantis, and hating police misconduct.

The sort of trifecta that would get Harvey Weinstein defended around these parts.

(I have no idea where this person is on the Goodness and Evil number line)

I think she may be completely nutters. The student stalking thing is bizarre.

I do like that she calls out DeSantis. Her statements about schools jive with the data (in my somewhat informed opinion)

But mostly I’m just reacting and trying to point out how some itt this thread have gone all in against her, and I’m sorry but there is a Venn diagram that has a lot of overlap with OFS crowd and RJ hate. (And yes the opposite can be said).

Also I’m pretty damn disturbed by some of the minimization and justification of the police raid. We will see eventually what the truth. A lot of rush to judgement.

Think of it as a challenging position. Again I readily admit my doubts biases and level of confidence. I don’t think the same can be said of those representing the other side.


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I just recently learned this was from Dexter even though I’ve known the meme for multiple years now.

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1., 2., and 3. are all on point here.

Several years ago I was in line waiting to cashout after a long poker session. One of my roommates texted a picture of federal agents inside our house. I turned around and sat my ass back down.

They apparently showed up at like 6am with a search warrant looking for some guy none of us ever heard of. They tore through the entire house after being voluntarily allowed to enter. Woke one of my roommates up with a long gun pointed at his face. Intimidation, having no respect for people, and being assholes is definitely all part of their schtick.

The guy they were looking for lived there several years prior, with another family there between him and us.


Good luck getting any kind of compensation/punishment for the behavior of American cops executing a warrant. Unless they throw a flashbang into a crib nobody is getting into trouble. Oh and even if they throw a flashbang into your crib, lighting your baby on fire, nobody is getting into trouble.

America, fuck yeah!

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So is the husband they’re commanding to come downstairs the student she got impregnated by when cheating on her old husband, the same guy (lol), or a new guy?

Dude I saw Swordfish. I know what hacking is.


Police probably have different procedures for executing search warrants on compliant people versus people that are not cooperating. Like if she just let them in when they called her up and said they were here for the evidence they might not have their guns drawn. But when she refused to let them in for 20 minutes that might have escalated things.

Just checking since irony is dead itt, that its clear that the meaning and the likes are OPPOSITE of the actual text of what i said.


Every time I see this thread I get hyped because I think it is about the movie The Raid, one of the absolute GOAT martial arts movies. Then I get disappointed.

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I don’t think anyone is minimizing or justifying the police raid. It’s obscene to draw guns to serve a warrant related to the minorest computer crime imaginable. What people are saying, though, is that the excessive violence of the raid is not evidence that this is some conspiracy to silence Jones, it’s just the way cops frequently act. (It was in the news a lot over the summer!!)

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Reread your own post. Maybe the cops are sadists or have larping soldier complex. Maybe Jones did something they viewed as disrespectful.


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Are you saying that a cop’s subjective perception of disrespect justifies violent intimidation?? My goodness. I certainly don’t believe that, and you should rethink your position.

She was a lib or something who believed in the socialist totalitarian China virus and Crazy Joe Biden, right? No wonder the police were careful. They were protecting us from anarchy.


Love the fanfic but I am still soft.

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