The Raid (on Rebekah Jones's home)

Are you claiming we would be posting

  • More
  • Or less

0 voters

than we are right now?

Quick, break down the door and point guns at people! We have to stop her (apparently in progress?)hacking!


This isn’t too far off the kind of stuff Wohl or O’Keefe pulls. The big difference is they don’t repeatedly antagonize those in power. She performed a stunt for a response. The response was terrible, but will likely net her 6 figures.


Equating encouraging whistleblowers with someone refusing to close their restaurant is utter horseshit. Sorry there’s no nice way to put that

I think calling this stunt “encouraging whistleblowing” is extremely generous.

Grunching and not watching or reading about the whistleblower stuff, but…

The cops and anyone who did whatever shit with guns drawn and whoever authorized it should be fired and maybe charged with some kind of reckless endangerment.

If the whistleblower did the whistleblowing in a way that should be illegal they should possibly get some reasonable charge and fine, but any reasonable prosecutor should probably just decline to prosecute, any reasonable judge should reduce any fine to $1 and any reasonable jury should nullify.

I don’t have to look too deeply into it because all of the above is true for so many things.



So what I’ve learned. And no bullshit that I’m reading something wrong.

She did it
She did some other stuff
Shes Jacob Wohl
Cops are pigs
But they are normal American pigs, what can we do about, we certainly shouldn’t be upset
Maybe the guns weren’t actually pointed at the kids
The government would only do this if they know for sure its her
She should be punished

Or we can reserve judgement, but then we would be naive fools. She could be a complete nutter. DeSantis could be a complete asshole. Heck it could easily be both.

I think that about sums it up. Some are pretty good walking up to the line and then drawing attention to not stepping over. Others not so much.

Per this article:

“Ms. Jones refused to come to the door for 20 minutes and hung up on agents. After several attempts and verbal notifications that law enforcement officers were there to serve a legal search warrant, Ms. Jones eventually came to the door and allowed agents to enter,” Plessinger said. “Ms. Jones’ family was upstairs when agents made entry into the home.”

The situation had presumably started to escalate beyond polite asking, like I wouldn’t be surprised if the cops were threatening to kick the door down at that point. Also, she didn’t have children wandering around the house after 20 minutes, or at least if she did, that’s on her. Presumably she spent some of this time setting up that camera.

Why are you so infatuated with this woman? You post about her/defend her as much as anyone on any subject on this forum.
Its at Keed/Greenwald levels


Is that a neighbor or the police spokesperson?

Police spokeswoman. Normally I would give zero credence to claims made by the police but here someone even less credible is providing the alternative account. Their story makes sense to me based on what is in the video (for example the camera it’s shot from looks like she stopped to set it up before answering the door, Rebekah doesn’t ask why they’re there so they’ve already had that whole conversation, etc).

Edit: Her fundraiser is at $35K after a couple hours, nice work if you can get it.

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So how do having guns drawn really stop any adamant person from destroying evidence unless they are going to shoot them?


I’m not just gonna automatically believe the police account of events either. It wouldn’t be the first time cops have made up stuff to suit their narrative. But it’s plausible.

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Maybe they’ll stop if they’re afraid they’re gonna get shot? I don’t know. Like I said, I’m just trying to imagine what they possible could have been thinking. I’m not saying what they were thinking was correct.

  1. Until they told her they had a warrant, she was under no obligation to open her door.

  2. Setting up the camera is perfectly reasonable. You’ve seen how police act here in USA#1.

  3. As soon as they had her in custody they could have at least lowered their guns.

  4. You’re giving the police and Ron DeSantis too much credibility. Pretty good chance everyone involved is being somewhat dishonest.


Right. Makes a lot more sense to me than “agents of the government tried to silence me” though, like this apparent attempt by the jackboots of AmeriKKKa to silence dissent involved them leaving her website up and releasing her ~immediately to go straight on Cuomo and drag this whole affair back into the headlines.

I don’t know about that.

I think you might be giving the cops a bit too much credit. On the other hand, she is a nut job. Let’s call it a push.

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I think shes crazy too but its super clear you’re invested in her being bad and wrong that its clouding your judgment. Like you’re way too invested in your narrative

The police spokesperson deserves zero credit and you should feel bad for posting it


Both sides have clearly dug in a bit, but this is like the first clear grifter to get decent support on this forum. I genuinely don’t know why this is.

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She’s against Desantis, who is a piece of shit. Enemy of my enemy and such.