About Moderation

Look on the bright side. We still get to read about fantasies of kicking puppies, bleeding out animals slowly and raping women!

I won’t have that problem since I’m illiterate.

I think he may have been more bothered that other people weren’t as horrified as he was by my attempt to move the Overton window.

Doesn’t it kinda defeat the anonymizing part if people immediately name the poster?

Like anybody could just find out at a later date who each anonymous account was

I thought that last part was a dozen people at SPE, not NBZ at UP

Good point. I deleted.

henceforth, it’s prolly best that we just use jabroni


Captains run off another poster tsk tsk

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Aye aye skipper. Fucking Captains running amok and driving good posters away.

Just get rid of the Captains and all would be well here.

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Looks like someone left because of lack of moderation of grossly inappropriate posts, which is something all the captains seemingly want.

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fucken captains

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13 posts were merged into an existing topic: META: About Unstuck splintering into SPE

I think at some point, the site has to decide how comfortable we are about someone repeatedly posting about truly heinous shit. NBZ has basically already crossed the line several times.

no claiming negligence when he actually acts on these posts.

"I can’t believe he actually murdered these people he constantly talked about murdering!

You all let the captains run amuck and got their wish of zero moderation. This is what zero moderation looks like.

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His problem was with me and you can’t claim there was a complete lack of moderation because I had several other posts that were moderated last night. It sounds a bit more like he didn’t want to be around someone he straight-up called a psychopath and was dismayed that there wasn’t overwhelming condemnation of celebrating the death of Ashli Babbitt and that some people were actually supportive.

Can someone send me NBZs deleted posts

The PMs tho

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Yes, isn’t it shocking? You’d never hear anyone irl saying unpalatable things. Would you?

And just imagine if they did? You’d need to elect someone to eject them from the bar for you, wouldn’t you?

I don’t think we need transparency for an online forum. I don’t care who the moderators are because I follow the rules.

Don’t kid yourself. You don’t even know what the rules are. How do I know this?

Because there aren’t any codified rules.

I agree. When I made the post here about my willingness to moderate in extreme cases, I didn’t expect that I’d have to actually act on it. But I apparently should have included the following types of posts that I am likely to delete/edit/moderate:

  • terroristic fantasies
  • encouragement to kill politicians, or you know “wink wink” keep the option on the table
  • celebrating/glorifying animal cruelty

Several of NBZ’s recent posts were beyond my subjective line and I was happy they were deleted. Had I been reading at my desktop (where I access the admin account) rather than my phone, I would have deleted.

I’m not interested in pinning down exactly what falls on which side of the line, and what counts as serious versus what counts as obvious hyperbole. But we have only one user on this site, as far as I know, that repeatedly makes incredibly objectionable and often violent posts and insists that those posts are completely serious and not performative.

I’m going to be willing to delete these types of posts going forward.