META: About Unstuck splintering into SPE

Still salty they cancelled Raised By Wolves.


They did? I liked it but was surprised that it got a second season even; really weird show.

Thread’s getting good.


Everyone complains that there’s too much bland Marvel/Disney stuff on TV but then you give them a weird break sci-fi franchise like RBW and everyone thinks it’s too weird.


Reminder: it doesn’t have to be like this. Forums can be fun, instead of being a place where people constantly strain to make everything about their eternal grudges with hated enemies.

At Slow Pony Express, we focus heavily on the “fun” part. There’s no shit-talking about UP or all the enemies you hate the way everything on UP is about personal hatred. Doesn’t that sound refreshing?


Lol basically no one’s posted in this thread since you rage quit


lol you have a walrus dedicated to hating on “captains” and an actual category about ghettos.

Just the purest of fun.


Can confirm, it’s a lot better than this place.

well to be fair all that was promised was a little bit of fun

when i think of “not shit talking” and not “constantly strain to make everything about their eternal grudged with hated enemies” i think of a walrus about captains and ghettos.

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Then why, as a new poster, did you sign up here?


Right you have to take goof baller’s “not shit talking” claim with a grain of salt, just like his “everyone is welcome” claim.

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I’ll add you to the ignore list. Thanks bye bye


Is there vigorous debate among the fun because that is often frought with peril? As you well know, people take disagreement the wrong way a lot and feel passionate about a lot of serious topics (like whether or not to post about murdering people) and this leads to dislike etc etc. I just had a look at your site and much of the discourse is, and I mean zero offence here because I enjoy these types of threads, somewhat low content, slice of life conversation or just dunks on right wing demagogues.

Edit: further on this, maybe just my opinion but all this forum wars really started from disagreements on political issues. I think spe serves a strong purpose if it does veer away from that (and even if it does regardless I think it was a good idea to form it)!

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Ah. I did hear things were a little slow over there. Trying to drum up interest with make-believe eh?

apart from your repetitive walrus devoted to ripping on captains.


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For someone who isn’t even a member you sure seem to pay attention to what is going on there. Unlike your forum where we can’t even see whats going on ours is open to anyone.

It’s honestly scary how much you guys must tell these stories between yourselves in your NMNM PMs, like a game of Telephone, until they become your objective reality. This is like when right-wingers develop conspiracy theories deep in QAnon subreddits and then forget they sound batshit crazy to anyone not immersed in their lore.

I’m sorry you’ve fallen this far down the rabbit hole that you create this kind of outrage for yourself as a coping mechanism or whatever. It’s sad.

I have no idea who this Libertarian guy is fwiw, probably forechecker setting up another impersonation long con


Sure, definitely not jmakinitupagain.

Thanks hun. Not at all sad, low energy reply. Just stop spamming this place after you swore off it.