META: About Unstuck splintering into SPE

I’m not into violent fantasies, thanks anyway.

Ha, I personally am looking forward to the most slappable face competition. Seems like you’re not missing out though, I’m sure you won’t complain later

Would you describe your face as slappable, ikes?

But that’s the quintessential UP post though, right? An outdated bot saying some gibberish about the audacity of visiting a website and talking about that website in the thread devoted to visiting and talking about said website, and a bunch of seals smacking their flippers on the heart button like it wasn’t the most deranged thing they ever read. Unstuck Perfection.


If you want my asl jal feel free to ask

Huh, I wonder if this is a principled stand against hypothetical violence against politicians, or just bullshit made up to fling poo at forum enemies?




I believe that you believe you’re zero point zero percent problematic

A: posts something problematic

B: hey, that’s problematic

Much later, B posts essentially the same kind of problematic shit

A: hey that’s problematic

B: you are the hypocrite

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If you’re going to create new accounts to post in this thread don’t be a double asshole and post people’s real names.

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I think a lot of people in this dispute are results-oriented and don’t really care that much about having principled reasons for poo flinging.

Let’s crack open a Koran, and see what it says about forgiveness

This is a hobby now, an elective activity nttawwt

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Crack open a Karen? You might enjoy posting at SPE

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I’m aware of the claims, though I don’t know about any evidence supporting them, but the post was deleted because froggy felt it necessary to post commonWealth’s full name.

Wait, Tralalalalala is Froggy?

If it has been posted without that information, would it have stayed up? Is someone welcome to put up the other parts of that post?

Sometimes, there are assholish and non-assholish ways to accomplish the same task.
