META: About Unstuck splintering into SPE

What clown flagged this post? A moderator (if any still exist) should unflag it.

It’s hard to say for certain the precise thing that started all this, but a top contender would obviously be when Cuse/CW wanted you banned for talking about hypothetical violence and in general anybody for even joking about it. Hypocrisy on that scale is borne from a pathological lack of empathy, but, even ignoring that, pointing it out is at least kinda… funny, right?

I’m going to assume that other people disagree with your synopsis of events, but if anybody on the team I’m inclined to defend did any irl harm to captains, I find that scary and deplorable. Please teammates, respect anonymity and keep the beefs on the forum(s).

Still looking for posts where I wanted to hatefuck women? Keep looking.

But still on team scarydeplorable. ok.

I never watched watchmen (say that ten times fast) but anyways love your five bags of popcorn reviews, will have to watch it. Especially since I am on a short HBO subscription at the moment.


I didn’t really care for it to be honest. I loved that masked cop subplot and the themes stemming from that but that kind of petered out and towards the end it seemed like the show was saying Masked Cops Are Good Actually, which I didn’t really care for. I might have taken things the wrong way though.

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Worth giving a try for sure though, I can see why people liked it. I wanted to. Feel the same way about The Leftovers, probably a well made and well acted show, just not for me. Check out White Lotus if you haven’t yet and your HBO subscription is temporary.



Easily one of the greatest limited series of all time. Lindeloff had an idea for a contained sequel story and delivered beyond any reasonable expectations.

The last five seconds in particular had me fantasizing endlessly about what a second season might have been like.

Also led to one of my worst photoshops of all time. Spoiler for the ending of Watchmen the TV series.


HBO’s miniseries game is top notch. So many good ones.

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The Undoing was HBO though.

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Still salty they cancelled Raised By Wolves.


They did? I liked it but was surprised that it got a second season even; really weird show.

Thread’s getting good.


Everyone complains that there’s too much bland Marvel/Disney stuff on TV but then you give them a weird break sci-fi franchise like RBW and everyone thinks it’s too weird.


Reminder: it doesn’t have to be like this. Forums can be fun, instead of being a place where people constantly strain to make everything about their eternal grudges with hated enemies.

At Slow Pony Express, we focus heavily on the “fun” part. There’s no shit-talking about UP or all the enemies you hate the way everything on UP is about personal hatred. Doesn’t that sound refreshing?


Lol basically no one’s posted in this thread since you rage quit


lol you have a walrus dedicated to hating on “captains” and an actual category about ghettos.

Just the purest of fun.