The Presidency of Donald J. Trump: Unconstitutional Slop

DeJoy is currently engaging in a screaming match with a member of Congress, lolololol

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What the fuck is Palmer on about? Yeah, registration numbers arent always perfect. Whoopidie fucking do.

This is the Occam’s Razor.


Palmer: “I think the Chinese hacked in or something” during technical difficulties



This thread is starting to lag bigly. Maybe time to start up a new one.

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Ohhhhh I get it now. It’s not the defunding of the USPS causing mail delays, it’s the anarchists burning down a single post office in Minneapolis. That’s why people in northern california cant get their prescriptions.

God, I hate them so much.


They need to get rid of seniority. The House is full of useless skeletons in the most crucial positions.

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Unfortunately the only way things will change is if these people get primaried.

These people just aren’t smart enough.

It is so obvious. Ditch the speeches and ask short, direct questions that build on each other.

“Are you above the law?” is a terrible question. He just says “no” and the questioner looks stupid.




Maloney did get primaried, and it was fairly close. She won 43% to 39%.

Also, when you ask, “did you do X?”

And the person answers “no.”

Repeating “did you do X” again is not effective!

Whoever is questioning right now is a legit brain dead moron. He is somehow making THE GUY TRYING TO RIG AN ELECTION LOOK CREDIBLE

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Lol, DeJoy is taking the Drunky McDrunkface tactic of RIGHTEOUS ANGER!

DeJoy insulting the intelligence of every committee member is a bold move.

I’m done until I see someone under 60. These are even more frustrating than the Trump pressers.

The fact that the Democratic legislators don’t have a list of questions provided to them by very capable interrogators is yet another example of how the Democrats are soft and incompetent.

Say “absolutely” again
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