The Presidency of Donald J. Trump: Unconstitutional Slop

Our Beautiful Boaters!

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I probably move to the Clovis side of the debate if the internet is just going to assume Claudia is a shitty kid in on the grift based off a conspiracy theory with zero evidence whatsoever other than her parents suck.

Seems infinitely more likely sheā€™s being a teenager and rebelling against her shitty parents. Even if her parents are using the situation to their advantage I think the kid deserves the benefit of the doubt until proven otherwise.

I donā€™t have teenagers, but I imagine itā€™d be a tough sell to tell your kid to post about how you hate them online, post stuff you donā€™t believe, so we can step away from our jobs at the last minute and create a reality show.

Also I highly, highly doubt this would be a popular show TV networks would be interested in. How many people actually follow this or give a shit about it besides us extremely online lefties who donā€™t even have cable for the most part? Unless KellyAnne beats her I canā€™t see many Republicans tuning in.


Iā€™m a little surprised George hasnā€™t been muzzled but his law firm, which represents almost exclusively corporations that benefit immensely from Trump.

Meh its biden. Pretty sure most corporations are cool with him. If it had been Bernie there would be no Lincoln project.


Kellyanne can see Trump is 10 points behind in the polls. Why George is also slithering away is the more interesting question.

Yeah the single most important thing from the perspective of basically every rich/powerful person is stability. It doesnā€™t get brought up much because historically this country is always seen as being fairly stable which allows them to prioritize things like pushing down taxes and regulatory capture but these things simply arenā€™t that important when stability is actually in danger.

I promise that even the GOP super donors would probably prefer to see Biden wins presidency but GOP keeps Senate over a Trump win. Trump is just incredibly bad for the long term interests (even the lolboomers ā€˜long term viewā€™ of two quarters out) of anyone with significant assets anywhere on earth. I mean Biden is the Senator from MBNA ffs, if I was a billionaire Iā€™d be a lot less scared of him than Iā€™d be of Trump getting another 4 years and disrupting the global economy even more.

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Speaking of the Lincoln Project




They have mayonnaise there twice.


And you just know these fuckers with intimacy issues would look at this and say its creepy. ā€œewww, look at how he touched the kid.ā€ Get fucking bent.

VMF had the fucking audacity to say it was creepy that Joe kissed his grandaughter on the lips. What fucking sicko can imagine kissing your granddaughter as a pedophilic sign? These people are fucking gross.

Yes but did she sit on his lap as a teen in a short skirt and did he imagine how he would date her if he could?

Oh wait, that wasnā€™t Bidenā€¦


Have you ever seen a more punchable face?

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We need a punchable face draft


Jeff Flake!

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I donā€™t think you need a lifetime of law enforcement experience to know this guyā€™s body language, tone and general disposition are ā€œconsistent with deceptionā€

looks like he might actually be slipping

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