The Presidency of Donald J. Trump: Unconstitutional Slop

i’ve just never seen a reality show where the main character is hated by everyone else in their family because of a choice that they insist on making, over and over. despite the fact that they logically and objectively SHOULD stop doing that thing.

oh wait, yeah i have. it’s called Intervention, and it’s a great show.


So I spent some time writing out a post that I wasn’t happy with so I’ll just leave this out here because I can’t really answer it:

What’s the Occam’s Razor of the whole Conway thing?

COVID and politics driving kids crazy and parents can’t restrain them imo.

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is it though?

idk? I’d guess that. If a reality show starts mea cupla I guess.

well she doesn’t have to pretend her family is dysfunctional in any case. I also do not know how either of her parents spending more time at home helps whatsoever.

Reality is, it’s a free out for kellyanne to get on some network in a few months as some campaign expert that we’re all gonna facepalm over since we were hoping finally we as a nation wouldn’t have to hear her bullshit anymore. (well for those who bother to watch when she’s on, i of course do not, but twitter is easy to avoid, since you can easily ignore him)

kellyanne and george both know trump is unfit. kellyanne thinks she can make things better by being in the room where it happens. in order to get in that room, she has to flatter trump on tv.

their kid is a normal kid and is understandably ashamed that she has a parent who is publicly supporting a monstrous president, and doesn’t want people thinking she’s a right-wing maniac by association. she sees her dad showing the world how reasonable he is about trump online, does it herself for the same reason, to save her reputation despite the horrific damage her mom is doing to her family name.

kellyanne george and claudia came to a private agreement to all step back to ease tensions, but kellyanne will definitely continue counseling the president over the phone. when he starts calling less, she’ll probably go back on tv supporting him because she obv wants influence more than anything or she would have repudiated trump already


Kellyanne thinks Trump is going to lose.


My fear is that she knows what trump is planning to do over the next three months and she doesn’t want any liability.

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Yeah, she might be trying to save herself, but if she thought he was going to cheat and win, she’d probably want to stay on the inside.


The smarter rats leave the ship.

School’s starting and they no longer have to be around her so they quit their jobs?
( twitter | raw text )

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And then write a book.

Successful Catholic careerists disagree over principles and alienate idealistic daughter.


But there is a lot of truth there. Make Liberals Cry Again might as well be Trump 2020. And that alone has this election as a sweat.


No joke I just saw this on my reddit thread…

Somebody needs to do “Trump 2020: Make Boomers Die Again.”