META: About Unstuck splintering into SPE

“Do you know how to tell the difference between a masked cop and a vigilante? Me either.”

Saying that someone lied because you changed what they said isn’t a technicality. So fucking dumb, and it’s endless.

I can only be so sympathetic to the point about the announcement being misleading because it just seems so obvious that the only reason to even create a new site is in order to solve the problem about not being able to ban people effectively enough here. Like duh of course they were gonna ban The Keed.

Although now that I type it out I guess there’s also apparently the security paranoia. But it’s gotta be mostly the first thing.


The part where “all are welcome”, nah it isn’t. You can’t make something up, have someone point out how it’s not true, and then say oh that’s a technicality

“Anyone can register at any time” is intended to make the new forum sound inviting and welcoming, obviously, but in reality it’s anything but.

Anyone reading that would be left thinking that all are welcome, and that was the intention in deceiving people.

how many years?

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Meanwhile here on UP we are still proscribed from referring to cuse as cuse*****er because he uses the longer form elsewhere and is worried that people might search it, link it to his CW name and find out he starts threads about which politicians he’d slap and someone else would sexually assault on the fabulously progressive new politics site now available to everyone.

Which is why he’s obsessed with masking his online persona from real life poker “friends”.

hai guyz come to my frens house it has board games and snackz and shadow police


how anybody could find this stupid or boring is beyond me


Can you imagine? Thank god the Captains are here to stalk this guy across multiple websites.

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Lol I think he meant people ‘abusing’ the mods. Yeah, I know.

Maybe if he resigns his modship here, where he hasn’t posted for weeks, and stops editing people’s posts…

I’m surprised this is an ideological thing; if anybody on the interwebs asked me not to use their rl initials, I wouldn’t use them and I wouldn’t troll them over it, even if that person has enough out there that a motivated person could easily make a link, or even if I hate them a lot.

I guess the idea is that you’re dismissing this person’s concerns as legit and you think it’s just another vector of fascist attack against an enemy, but your reads shouldn’t trump a simple request. Not fucking around with people’s requests about rl info should be respected like you don’t clash swords in a church in Highlander.


Or maybe you could find some way to occupy your time beyond harassing and stalking some guy on the internet.

Must we do this here?

This is an interesting idea. As someone who has pushed the idea that forum politics can be analogous to real world politics, I am curious about how this experiment will work and if there are any real world political analogies to this system. If it works out well, then maybe those who are pleased with it should advocate for applying these principles outside of an internet forum.

Let’s consider the scenario where user x gets temp-banned for non-obvious reasons. Other posters might wonder where x is or why x got banned. If public discussion is not permitted, the it is likely that private discussion will take place via PMs or off-site (here). Will posters at SPE be punished for bringing drama here?

If the goal is to discourage discussion about moderation, the question is whether putting data out there will cause people to think spurs people wanting to talk about moderation or if preemptively putting data out there (a mod actions log) answers questions and discourages discussion. Just because you log stuff publicly doesn’t mean you have to let people discuss the log.

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How are you still here running your mouth after turning down a freeroll to get a charity donation in your name? Do you get how much of a petty pos you have to be to deny the puppies and kitties and battered spouses and what not some free money, just so you can keep talking your bullshit?

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This place is basically like the proverbial frog in a pot of water that’s slowly heating up: behavior that would be completely unacceptable in any other venue has become so normalized thanks to incompetent moderation that we’re now debating whether it’s okay to give out a user’s irl initials against a poster’s expressed desire. Endless personal attacks and harassment have long been normalized --we’re now getting live updates on what a former poster is up to on other forums, completely normal stuff here.


Outrageous that people are discussing the site SPE in a thread titled “About Unstuck splintering into SPE”.

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I know the only person you give a shit about is yourself, but not inviting you doesn’t mean it’s exclusive at all. You’re also welcome to read all you want!