META: About Unstuck splintering into SPE

If I’m wrong though lol it’s gonna sting when I have to donate to some non-profit that trains future shoot-the-shit-internet-forum moderators.

Nobody ever said that. You just don’t do words good and have a complicated relationship with objective reality so you invent things in your mind brain palace.


Despite the kiss of death hearts, I don’t think NBZ was posting that as a gotcha. More like, many a slip betwixt the cup and the lip.

Even more like, damn son, we said you can have a little forum fascism as a treat!

Hot take incoming:

This is all the stupidest shit ever. All I ever wanted to do was read stuff about politics from smart and like-minded people, and occasionally chime in with a comment or silly joke for the lulz. Then we couldn’t have nice things on 2p2, so this place started, ok that’s cool I guess. That site is dead anyway, may as well give this place most of my attention. Except for the moderation discussions because they’re pure AIDS and I hate everything about it.

Then I fall out of the loop for a few days and I find out that because all you fuckers can’t avoid forum drama that there’s some new site being created for the cool kids, and all the political discussion is moving there but maybe not, and this site might go away with no warning or maybe it’s not, and I have to either move over there or start keeping track of both forums all the time which is a stupid chore and I hate everybody. I’m starting to feel like the literal embodiment of being too old for this shit.


Is this a hot take? I’ll admit I’ve seen half a dozen similar ones.

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I did grunch a bit, lol.


I think you’d fine that a lot of people, even people who are migrating over to the new forum, feel pretty much the same away as you about forum drama sucking ass.

A founding idea of SPE is to decrease forum drama as much as possible. There won’t be any discussion publicly about moderation. Mods themselves are anonymous to create a barrier both to how moderation actions can be taken personally and the constant mod abuse that happens here on UP.

The goal is to create a place where you’d feel comfortable inviting a real life friend to.

Also, and I can’t emphasize this enough. isn’t a cool kids forum. You don’t need an invite to join. You can read the website without logging in. We’re trying to have fun more than anything else and get away from the drama that plagued this place. First moves afaict were to make :vince1: reaction things and animated avatars. Real serious business type stuff.


And of course prebanning your enemies, that was really the first item on the agenda.

I’m not the one banning anyone sk, but if you’re banned you can surely understand why. I also don’t see why you’d want to come given your statements about various things, so I don’t see the problem.

No problem, just pointed out that Goof Baller lied when he announced the forum when he said that everyone is welcome. Me and angry queer were banned without having made a post.

Is it for serious discussion? Or just your kind of bantering between friends sharing memes type of site and discussing food/sports etc? Like an OOT type thing. By serious discussion I mean of politics and society and the motives behind decisions by actors in these areas. I ask because that can cause some drama (in the form of strong disagreement between posters and hurt feelings and the like) that most people moving across are keen to avoid. I would like to post on SPE at some point as I enjoy the content and writing style of posters there on the more imperiled topics (if just to see people with different perspectives and lived experiences than my own).

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I’m glad you recognise this has been happening. Mods telling people to “fuck off” is unacceptable when posters are told to be respectful.

Of course, he didn’t say this, as anyone can see for themselves.


keed skewed in a technicality

anyone can register at any time

but many will be banned immediately.


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He said everyone is welcome unless they think Internet Moderation is wrong and shouldn’t exist. Of course that doesn’t apply to me or aq, we were both moderators if you’ll recall.

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Really nothing like ikes selling a less mod abuse experience.


Like I don’t blame them at all, the powers that be there all have despised me for years. Goof Baller, Ikes, Cuse, Mr. Wookie, Jmakin, J Man. Just be up front about it, you’re banning the people you hate on sight. Fine. But Goof Baller’s lie is advertising to make the people not involved in Forum Wars who might actually like some of the prebanned feel OK.


What did the SPE mods say when you pm’d them?

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I just recently rewarched the hbo limited series Watchmen (5 bags of popcorn) and I liked how the cops would wear masks and if you asked them about it when they’re not wearing masks they’d all say they’re not cops. It’s such a great show. It kinda got lost in the pandemic but wow. Black Dr Manhattan, and then if you’re white you got a whole Jeremy Irons plotline. It might even be 6 bags.