About Moderation

4 hidden replies. Nope.


ayyteeen pussayys

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Nope. You just rarely post anything that’s worth responding to.

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Even direct questions?

This may seem out of the blue, but I was just getting caught up on a financial update for the site, and I wanted to post something about moderation. In particular, my ability/willingness/desire to moderate posts.

No one voted for me to be a moderator, and I have no desire to do any moderating. That being said, I do have admin access to the site. And the reason that I, a completely non-technical person, has admin access is because my name is attached to this site in a couple of ways: I had to provide 1099 information to Patreon to receive the withdrawal discussed here. And I have my personal information and credit card linked to the Digital Ocean account that hosts this site. The point of my wanting/demanding an admin account was in case something seriously bad got posted here (not a poster being an asshole, but something that was closer to crime-adjacent). However unlikely, I wanted the ability to immediately delete something like that because it could be tied to me.

So even though I’ve never taken a moderator action (e.g., deleted or edited a post, banned a user), I want to make it clear that I am willing to exercise mod authority in certain extreme cases. What do I consider an extreme case? That’s obviously subjective, but it will include:

  • Doxxing people. There was a post recently that included a user’s real name. I would have deleted that post if I had seen it. And I don’t particularly care if there’s an argument that the user in question had already provided enough personal information on the site to identify them. I myself have almost certainly provided enough personal information so that I could be personally identified, but if someone posted my real name in public, I’d delete that post instantly. Same goes for other users.

  • Threats or incitement or encouragement of criminal behavior. This includes threats of physical violence and also attempts to impersonate other users.

  • Libelous statements (as I perceive them). As an example, there have been at least two individuals in the past accusing me (as treasurer of the site) of stealing their money. I didn’t delete them at the time, but I’m going to be willing to now.

That’s not an exhaustive list, but those are some cases I could imagine. All of this is obviously subjective, and I am hoping/anticipating that this kind of situation never comes up. But if I (@spidercrab) get notified by a user that they believe they’ve been doxxed, threatened, or libeled, I’m going to take that seriously.

If you don’t like the idea of me having this kind of authority with no oversight, I am happy to immediately revoke my administrator access as soon as I am no longer treasurer with my personal information tied to this account.


Spidercrab didn’t say anything about postin’ cringe, and LookAtYe was inexplicably banned for some reason, so a lot of dudes are in the clear.

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On that note:




I guess this is like the “I don’t want muh tax dollars to support community programs” forum edition.

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Lol that can’t be real. Can it.

Dude it’s 6. It’s right there for you!

The correct answer is supposed to be 9 of course but the number 6 is the one that’s there. Whoever put that up is trolling the shit out of people

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It’s a joke, not a troll. Read again.

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For sure. The crazy part is the comments which seem real.

0|\/|6 :astonished:


Please anonymize/delete my account. Whatever is easiest. Thank you.


I deleted all your posts calling for violence. The football thread isn’t the place for that type of edgelording.


Could you have at least waited for @Melkerson to read them? He seems to have a reading problem.

It’s always projection. Always.

Honestly, what IS the place?