About Moderation

I’m sure the jan 17th registered account totally isn’t forechecker/whoever. lol

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Bruce’s posts often cross the line but they are all 100% keyboard edgelording. There is nothing to actually see imo.

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What do I have to do to prove that it’s not?

And the show goes on.

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Not have a decade plus of posting making is absolutely crystal clear it is. :man_shrugging:

What could you possibly show anyone? You haven’t had any success convincing anyone to do any violence, and that’s all you’ve ever said you’re attempting: to convince others to do stuff.

He doesn’t even attend protests let alone raise up arms. Lol.


If it is I respect the creativity and long game.

long game of 13 days?

Haha that’s fairly long for a sock puppet you must agree

True, your sock puppet games last years


Why was Jwax banned for a week? He was just trying to get under Yuvs skin, clearly not racist in this one particular instance.

Using someone’s nationality to insult them in a conversation that has no relevance to said nationality is the definition of racism.

(you know that, but just for others who did not read the other thread)

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Context is everything, jmakin.

The defence of “Oh he was just stating a fact” doesn’t work if you substitute any number of other protected characteristics for IDL, and you’d immediately recognise those statements as racist.

Only a complete idiot would think that’s jmakin, but I don’t think you actually believe that’s him.

3 posts were merged into an existing topic: Unburying the Past (more bickering)

Not to be that guy but it’s xenophobia, not racism.

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You should know Israel is kind of the exception to that rule.

Obviously no one could quibble if you said anti-Semitic. Now someone could quibble with anti-Semitism isn’t racism, but I don’t know the technicalities on that one.

Just have to not take it too far and conflate criticism of Israeli state actions and policy as intrinsically anti-Semitic. Like the bullshit the neocon Dems pulled with Illhan Omar.

Sure, it’s a needle to thread. It’s not hard to discern what’s going on when it’s out of left field and directed at an individual tho.