About Moderation

for sure

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jal seriously no one is buying yā€™all arenā€™t doing this. Itā€™s fucking weird, and sad honestly.

You need to get the leash back onto him - jmakinulookstupid.

can someone link me to slowpony reg pls? TIA

Place sounds like a little fun.

Send the link on please.


nah full disclosure weā€™re trying to figure out as well

thereā€™s a compelling case for a few different people, obv jmakin included

how are you so certain?

ctsh-removebg-preview (7)


Libertarian was one of two things.


a) jmakin


b) someone observant enough to notice jmakinā€™s repeated use of ā€œamuckā€ in place of ā€œamokā€, who also wanted to pretend to be jmakin

a) is much more likely than b) because his occasional use of ā€œamuckā€ isnā€™t high on the list of things people remember about jmakinā€™s time on this site.

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I remember him trying to run amuck with little broā€™s big sis, to no avail.

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Making your case hinge on the claim that jmakin is the only one to use a particular malapropism is full-proof.


Iā€™m confused. is jalfrezi so stupid to think I wouldnā€™t just post on this account or is he such a sad pathetic sack of shit heā€™s so desperate for my attention? sad, weird, strange.

cya, got better things to do than this.

uh huh:

I havenā€™t read 2+2 for a while, but toothy repeatedly pushed a thesis that Europe was fucked this winter because they remained shut down over the summer, but USA was going to sail right through no problem because we smartly let the virus run amuck

Wonder who that anon account isā€¦ fuck off with this bullshit. Youā€™re clearly in on it. No one is buying it.

Buy me a house?

Youā€™re not impressing anyone.

ā€œAmuckā€ was used 11 times. 3 by jmakin, 3 by libertarian and once in reference to this. And one of the others was an anon.

Wait who is it?

OK, I yield, Sherlock. It was definitely jmakin. You solved it.

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my man was absent the day they taught science at science school

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i was about to make a joke like ā€˜this is what happens when you only study plants for decadesā€™ but then i realized i was confusing ā€˜botanyā€™ and ā€˜biologyā€™ (even though thereā€™s probably some overlap) so just assume i did make the joke and embarrassed myself lol