About Moderation

You actually convinced me it was Jmakin with that search so maybe try this post again with a little sincerity?

“check it out Jmakin said that shit half the times it was ever said on the forum and the only one to repeatedly say it” and then just dropped the hell out of that mic lol

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Ask for this gift and it shall be given you. Seek, and you shall find the about moderation thread!


Also wait lol, why are you describing it like it’s some nefarious plot? Nobody is accusing him of doing anything wrong. So he made a gimmick for the (attempted) lulz, good effort, better luck next time.

Remember, you all are the joyless fucks averse to a little bit of fun.


Full disclosure, I made the Santa gimmick:

I was curious just how neurotic mfs would get about not allowing some utterly harmless gimmicks.

So the line is somewhere between the upper bound of Santa and the lower bound of Hingle McCringleberry (pour one out for a real one) but it feels like that’s a huge gulf.

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If it helps clarify things, if Santa had then started posting calling out others’ “cringe” or calling posters NPCs, he would also have been nuked.

I can’t take credit for deleting DrCeeRhenge (Head Cringologist) before anyone goes making assumptions.

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I was also looking forward to the discussion about evading bans, considering I made those gimmicks whilst I was banned.

Considering another endemic neuroses around here is pretending like we all don’t exist outside of this forum (despite how much people openly share, you must never mention nor reference it) which, fine, let’s run with it, it raises some heady questions about online identity. If we’re all meant to remain largely ‘undoxxed’, do we just exist as a series of posts? Is 6ix just an unamused cat avatar and a string of words broken up into rectangle chunks? If those words go unread do “I” cease to exist as an online entity?

And as it pertains to the gimmicks, if 6ix is the entity that posts a specific set of words and Santa Clause is the entity that posts once a year to wish people a merry christmas, with no overlap (6ix is a godless heathen who doesn’t celebrate the christian nor the commercial christmas), are they for all practical purposes two separate entities?

It’s hi-octane tree-fall-in-the-forest stuff. And it mirrors In Real Life in some startling ways: the real reason people are told it’s healthy to have friends and family and what not isn’t because people are awesome specifically and generally (not to say they’re not, they can be pretty rad), it’s because without them you start to cease to exist as an entity, you lose definition when how people know and remember you no longer defines you. You become the tree falling in the forest with nobody to hear you crash to the ground.

But then I remembered where I was at lol vigorous debate haha I trolled myself.




you guys silly, and I think the forum is perfect as is


One week bans seem excessive.

If I’m not mistaken, jwax could do a poll on the naked racism charge to have the ban reversed and a note added to the permanent record a year and a half from now.


Seems like underkill for a guy demanding his account is nuked.

8 posts were merged into an existing topic: Unburying the Past (more bickering)

I wonder what the dead giveaway was that I wasn’t talking about moderation and thusly the posts had to be moved out of the About Moderation thread. It was probably all the uses of the exact phrase “about moderation” I’m guessing.

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Somehow they were instantly here to insta-delete a post truthfully saying that someone who has made many clearly anti-semitic posts here on this website… is anti-semitic

Make another post about it. Screenshot including the previous post. See if it gets disappeared again.


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My reply was also deleted, which was to reemphasize that you are a lying, defaming stain on the community, and a moral and ethical vacuum where a human being should be. I never made one anti-semitic post let alone many, and while I don’t want to Streisand effect your contemptible bullshit, I will report it when I see it. @moderators please review this situation and issue some guidance. I don’t make a habit of engaging with this deplorable Yanukovych slappy, but there are limits.


If you want to call out anti-Semitic posts (or report them) you can and those posts will be dealt with. If you want to just constantly call someone an anti-Semite, when it’s completely unrelated to the topic at hand, those posts will be deleted.

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