About Moderation

Dude it’s 6. It’s right there for you!

The correct answer is supposed to be 9 of course but the number 6 is the one that’s there. Whoever put that up is trolling the shit out of people

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It’s a joke, not a troll. Read again.

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For sure. The crazy part is the comments which seem real.

0|\/|6 :astonished:


Please anonymize/delete my account. Whatever is easiest. Thank you.


I deleted all your posts calling for violence. The football thread isn’t the place for that type of edgelording.


Could you have at least waited for @Melkerson to read them? He seems to have a reading problem.

It’s always projection. Always.

Honestly, what IS the place?

WTF who did we just lose?

One of the best posters here.


just some jabroni

LetsGambol2. Not sure of the exact spelling. He got pissed about NBZ edgelording about Ashli deserved it.

I kinda thought a) we weren’t anonymizing anymore and b) if we were there was a two week cooling off period.


Look on the bright side. We still get to read about fantasies of kicking puppies, bleeding out animals slowly and raping women!

I won’t have that problem since I’m illiterate.

I think he may have been more bothered that other people weren’t as horrified as he was by my attempt to move the Overton window.

Doesn’t it kinda defeat the anonymizing part if people immediately name the poster?

Like anybody could just find out at a later date who each anonymous account was

I thought that last part was a dozen people at SPE, not NBZ at UP

Good point. I deleted.

henceforth, it’s prolly best that we just use jabroni