About Moderation



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Must we?


Different strokes for different folks, I guess

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Personal attack. Flagged, bagged, and sent to the FBI for questioning.

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A two-day ban for that is ridiculous, especially in the “Don’t take the bait” thread or whatever insulting subtitle is currently being used for “About Moderation”.

I’ve changed the title

I was going to make the parenthetical (no cap), but I was worried that would be flagged as bringing up old drama and/or insults

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Now if you would ask CW to turn his dildo down to stun that’d be great.

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I’ll pass that along



Like, if 6ix had said “Rivermang spiking the football at the thought of people staying poor/losing money.”, would that have collected a two-day ban?

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This is a warning for a personal attack.

It’s not a personal attack.

I’m describing objective reality and the subject of my description takes it as a compliment. This website is wild.

So you’re doubling down against reason and the ban/warning are about saying "he touches his himself’ in place of “very happy and excited”. That’s one way to go about it, I guess. This isn’t grade school.

Like when I say I have a hardon for Bill Gates, it’s not literal.

While I’m in here, please edit this entry in the mod log to “Jalfrezi mistakenly banned until next week. Ban reversed.” I mean, c’mon.

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Next, this ban is ridiculous.

The truth is forbidden when it’s about one group of posters.

Lies are encouraged when it’s about another.

He didn’t make an arrangement with me.

Am I not the forum? :frowning:

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No offense, but the most charitable interpretation of this action is that the moderator is obtuse. Otherwise it veers into malicious

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Lots of posts in the mod action thread recently!