Community rule vote: Moderators and moderation logs

There’s a huge difference between registered Jul '19 and read 40d (longer than me!) and registered yesterday and read seven minutes, you’re fine imo.


Are you… serious?

Fine, we can do it your way.

You said you’ve told me what you think. You think that I “called the person a Nazi and that calling a person a Nazi is a personal attack”. Right?

So, first, that obviously didn’t happen. I didn’t say, “hey person, you are a member of a neo-national socialist party or share the beliefs of said party”. I did change the person’s screenname to a German surname, a surname which the screenname is already short for. I’m not going to say you’ve been lying but at the same time it’s beggars belief that you’d honestly confuse something so simple.

Second, obviously “calling a person a Nazi” isn’t a “personal attack”. Nazis exist. Hitler was a Nazi. If Hitler posted here in your cooking-good-food thread and somebody said, “Hey Hitler, you Nazi, that’s one mean pork tenderloin,” would you ban that person for a personal attack against Hitler? No, you wouldn’t, because that’d be absurd. This one is easier to get confused by though.

So, there we go. You were empirically incorrect and spent a dozen or so posts dissembling and obfuscating and, maybe just lying, rather than just simply stating you were incorrect. That’s not a great example to set for the forum.


What, in your view, would qualify as a personal attack?

Hokie. Its worth going back and reading the posts in order.

My recent approach has been to try and defuse these long back and forth arguments by asking people to stop.

Now. As you and i can both see, it hasnt really been effective, but thats by the by

In the recent run of posts. It went like this.

  • i wake up to 7 hours of feuding and close to 200 posts.
  • i ask people to give it a rest, not naming any names and list 3 specific things that are super unconstructive
    (This post is below)
  • 6ix then makes 2 or 3 posts back to back, which in my judgement are not constructive,
  • i respond 2 or 3 times asking him specifically to move it PMs or about moderation.
  • no one else got a mention because (at that point) no one else was posting like that immediately after i asked people to stop.

Thats it… no bans… just asking people… and now theres multiple long posts complaining about heavy handed and unfair moderation…

And of course. This is going to spawn another 150 posts.


Like. In moderating this thread there seems to be 3 options.

  1. Try and manage it like chairing a meeting. Talk to people, try and keep a lid on the feuding to stop it all kicking off again.
  2. Ignore all but the absolutely most egregious posts
  3. Ignore it all.

Ive tried 1. That clearly doesnt seem to be working. Partly because whenever i do, i get some version of “but whatabout that person, what about that post”.

Edit. I should add there is another option.

  1. Wake up and hand out 5 or 6 temp bans every morning.

That would seem to just blow everything up. Perhaps worth a try though.



(seriously, not sure who you were replying to)

If so, the term “personal attack” always meant bringing up personal shit irrelevant to the argument. This was meant for like Disney forums or whatever, so when people were disagreeing about which princess was the best they didn’t have people saying shit like "well of course you think it’s Elsa, you were born out of wedlock you ■■■■■■■■■■ ".


And… ive just caught up with the overnight bickering again…


Why are we talking about PMgate (2.0 this time) again? About old bans? About comments from a post 12 months ago?

Its okay to let shit go. Or you know, make a point, realise people dont agree, and just leave it there…


Just to add. @Trolly you keep hearting my posts when i post something like this. So to be explicit, im definitely talking about your posts.


Instructions unclear. Did you mean make a castle out of it and have it rain down on everyone else?

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Extraordinary how one poster has had carte blanche for a long time to revive ancient slanders without threat of a ban.

But no mod bias.

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What are you talking about? Are you accusing me of bias?

I’m well beyond the point of ever letting this stuff go. And obviously, dozens of others including some mods are never letting it go either. Define what you’re asking for and enforce it evenly and I’m good with that. (Just speaking for myself.)

No. I’m talking about the history of modding (or not modding, as per today) this individual.

What specifically do you think i should have modded today? Given my point about waking up after its been going on for 8 hours without me.

You mean the posts about Wookie?

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Heh, I stopped following the threads on here because I kept going away for a few days at a time and struggling to keep up (which is surely a sign of a lively forum and in many ways a good thing, so I really did keep trying to catch up until it became impossible)

And now I pop my head in for the first time in like 6 months, skim the headline forum drama thread, clumsily cast a vote then second guess myself and post to explain / get a steer. Log out, come back a couple of days later. And there are >500 posts JUST IN THIS THREAD to catch up on, lol

Fast moving conversations are great when you’re involved / invested. Not so great for the less committed. I’ve really enjoyed following a lot of the discussions on here and I’ve definitely learned a lot from some of you. I’m going to continue to lurk/ dip my toe in occasionally! Hope this feedback is taken as intended :heart:


You still have time to change your vote again.

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Jalfrezi replied to my post to make his point. Its a reasonable assumption to ask whether he was talking about my modding. If hes now clarified that he wasnt, thats fine.

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No. I mean the posts about “just let it go” from 6ix and hokie. The ones i discussed above.

Good to have you here. The non-drama threads are a lot more chill if you want to dip your feet in and hang out.

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