Log of Key Moderator Actions

My term as mod is up. Request for de-modding is forthcoming.


Whatevs banned until tomorrow for personal attacks

Jalfrezi banned until tomorrow for personal attacks.

Churchill banned until tomorrow for trolling the covid thread.

D2_34 banned until tomorrow for posting in About Unstuck after having been asked not to

Jalfrezi banned until next week for naked racism.

Ban reversed.

Whatevs band until tomorrow for personal attacks.

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jalfrezi banned until tomorrow for personal attacks

Churchill given a night off for continuing a bad day of posting in the covid thread after having been asked to stop.

Victor gets a night off for recent work in the Israel thread.

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Jal and jman banned for trolling each other in the covid origins thread. SenorKeeed banned for bad faith in the same. All til tomorrow.


Churchill banned again, for trolling in the covid thread again.

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d2_e4 banned to tomorrow for a personal attack

jalfrezi and jman suspended until next week for continuing their feud.


FidgetUK banned until tomorrow for his part in continuing the feud.

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Marty suspended til Monday

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Quant Gamble gets a night off for a misogynistic and transphobic body of work in the pronoun thread.


Johnny Truant suspended until tomorrow for personal attacks.

Churchill suspended til tomorrow for more covid misinformation

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jman and yadi suspended until tomorrow for personal attacks in the covid thread.