About Moderation


where is pig piling a thing that people say? Dog piling is what i’ve always heard, or am I the weird one?

So first of all, I don’t read every response to a post before I respond, and second, those are all pretty funny and non-combative responses to a post that definitely had “sweet summer child” qualities to it, and we’ve never considered “sweet summer childing” someone before to be some kind of attack or trolling, because it’s pretty clearly not. You are really grasping at straws.

same thing

If you want to be put onto the normal TL level, let us know and we can look into it, I don’t think there are any features that would make anyone feel unsafe, but I’ll double check and then approve it.

Otherwise let’s not revisit that whole episode, it’s pointless at this point in time.

There’s a history of bullying Cactus here and you were the ffith in. Hardly grasping at straws.

(eta: It’s irrelevant to my point, but to be fair to Cactus here, it wasn’t even correct to “sweet summer child” him. He was implying that those who are agreeing that Democrats should prosecute Trump are signaling our descent into facism. That’s not him just realizing that shit’s been going poorly in the US, democracy-wise.)

The point in my post was that cuse, a moderator banning people for insults, added to it with his comment about it being so absolutely hilarious that he spit his drink out. It was not that clever and I venture to guess he was so amused because he disagrees a lot with your target (Cactus).

So a certain amount of ridiculing is fine as long as it’s subsequently ratified by the totally impartial mods who will absolutely not take into account who posted it and who the target of the bullying is when they chortle and hoot at the hilarity of not being “kind”.

Got it.

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Anywho, Happy Thanksgiving Everyone! Enjoy some good food and Holiday cheer. See you on the flippity flip.


I think there’s no categorical imperative against doxxing.

I remember countless times Cactus expressed frustration at being bullied. In his own containment thread, months and years after he was exiled there! Including talking about how he’d post more here if it wasn’t for the bullying.

You got a bad memory, Beansie.

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Don’t forget my soft drink of choice

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i know it means the same thing, it just seems like a weird regional thing. I’ve lived all over the place and never heard it.

Lol Max, tagging me in your crybaby bullshit. That post of mine was about as innocuous as it gets. If Cactus was insulted by it, I’ll apologize for it immediately.

You know what - @cactus, I’m sorry that I called you a maturing Sweet Summer Child. It wasn’t my intention, but that comment may have insulted you.


I’ll have you know that a minute before my post now was the past. Even one second!

Both of those bans are ridiculous. Jmakin was replying to cuse’s post where cuse references the old drama in question. Jalfrezi was talking about today’s events.

Past tense




Friday already?

Please refrain from calling other posters crybabies.

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Friday was last week