The Former Presidency of Donald J. Trump, Volume XII: Nevertheless, NFTs!

I remember when Donald Trump really wanted to show everybody all his tax returns but unfortunately just couldn’t because of all the audits! Weird.


Cactus on Democrats actually holding Donald Trump accountable for the litany of laws he clearly broke:

Donald Trump on how it’s bullshit he wasn’t allowed to rig his own election:

That’s the state of affairs.

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Too lazy to figure out the actual ruling he’s talking about but if the SC used lack of standing to dodge an election question Trump was raising that’s sorta chef’s kiss stuff.

My guess is he means Texas v Pennsylvania, when SCOTUS denied an election lawsuit because Texas does not have standing to challenge how elections were run in other states. I assume Trump, as befits a narcissist, is choosing to remember events as if he was personally denied standing, so that it can be all about him.

Well, we are truly entering into some dangerous times then. It’s a certainty that as soon as Republicans gain control they will start retaliatory impeaching, prosecuting, and convicting Democratic leaders. And we all know they fucking lie and don’t care if something is true or not. I took exception to your comment about Dems “getting around to indicting Trump”, because I didn’t think the Democrats were at this point yet. It’s my opinion that Trump belongs in jail. But I also think he deserves his day in court tried by an apolitical system of justice. I thought we still cared about that. But I guess this is what descent into fascism looks like

I don’t know what this is supposed to mean or imply. I’m only trying to say that it shouldn’t be up to any one political party to hold people accountable for breaking the law. Our justice system is supposed to be apolitical. But it appears we’ve begun our descent

I think you know this, but this is exactly what everyone here has been saying for a while.

Believe me, everyone has been wanting this for years. No one is advocating for just throwing him in jail without due process. Not only would that be wrong, the trial would be the best part.

LOL, “begun”.


He’s a few years behind on everything.

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I thought it was still just the MAGAts who were descending. But now it appears that there are liberals who want their party to throw people in jail

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You are at the stage of grief where you think we can good-faith our way out of this. We’ve all been there, except for most of us it was many years ago.

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The Sweet Summer Child is now a moody adolescent.


ok I’m going to give you the benefit of the doubt here, what’s your suggestion for what should be done RIGHT NOW? Like, yes, ideally we should have an impartial superbeing making these determinations, but until we get that, should humans in the positions to do something about crime just not take any action if the alledged criminal has any political opinions at all? give me something mroe than handwringing.

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There was a time long ago that I briefly thought that maybe we shouldn’t punch Nazis on sight.

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This happens when justice itself becomes a partisan issue.

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Inglorious Basterds teaches us what to do with Nazis.


In other news, I’ve heard there’s some kind of unknown respiratory illness causing pneumonia in Wuhan. I wonder if we should be concerned about that. Also, I think MySpace might get overtaken by Facebook one of these days.


Look, I’m not at all happy with how Garland has handled this to date. It’s BEYOND obvious to any objective observer that multiple people have committed very serious felonies and that they all should be in orange jumpsuits by now. By all accounts it appears that justice is NOT being served in the least

That said, unlike a lot of people here, I concede I don’t know every aspect of what’s going on behind the scenes. And yes… I still hold out hope that our justice system will prevail. That Garland is not some coward or idiot that doesn’t realize that doing nothing is more of a political statement than doing what’s right

But to answer your question of what should be done now is that the judicial system should simply do its job, which I think it ultimately will. I can’t get behind supporting political prosecutions

What exactly does this mean?

And what should happen if it doesn’t?