The Former Presidency of Donald J. Trump, Volume XII: Nevertheless, NFTs!

Seems to me that the GOPe’s wet dream right now is for the left to bury Trump, while they get to squawk about judicial overreach and the end of democracy the whole time.

The question is if the Dems will actually do the right thing for democracy’s sake and go along with it.

Remember when people thought a pee tape would bring him down?



Narrator: The panel unanimously ruled in Trump’s favor.


I doubt that’s what happens

You’re right. The correct answer is that they rule in some way where lawbros act like team Trump gets dunked on and tea bagged but nothing ever actually happens to trump or his lawyers.


It’s been so long, what are they gonna do with his tax returns now? Are they investigating emolument clause violations?

Nothing. They are going to do nothing.


I just read that the states purpose is to see if there are any changes needed to be made for IRS oversight of presidential tax returns. This is not a criminal matter

It’s going to be peak Dems to finally get around to indicting Trump once it actually helps the GOP.

Of course I still think nothing ever happens to Trump. But if it does waiting until after the GOP wants him gone is just an amazing encapsulation of everything wrong with the party.


Wait… Are you’re in favor of jailing political opponents? Since when should the “Democrats” be in charge of running indicting a former Republican president?

Merrick Garland is a political appointee.

If Kamala Harris walks up to a random and shoots them in the face on camera

Yea. She should be prosecuted

Likewise. When some random citizen has BOXES of stolen top secret document.

That random citizen should go to jail. Full stop.

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I agree 100%. However, the justice system that prosecutes and puts them in jail, is supposed to be non partisan. That’s part of what separates democracies from fascist regimes


How can you possibly think our justice system is non-partisan at this point(probably at any point).

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There’s a difference between what’s supposed to be and what is.

Democrats taking Trump down now will save the GOP from civil war which could lead to a landslide Democrat victory and will instead hand DeSantis the presidency w/ all three houses.

In the Supreme Court, the President of the United States does not have “standing” over his own election, how ridiculous?

( truth (lol) | raw text )



Truthbot doesn’t seem to be catching them all.

Including this doozy:

Why would anybody be surprised that the Supreme Court has ruled against me, they always do! It is unprecedented to be handing over Tax Returns, & it creates terrible precedent for future Presidents. Has Joe Biden paid taxes on all of the money he made illegally from Hunter & beyond. The Supreme Court has lost its honor, prestige, and standing, & has become nothing more than a political body, with our Country paying the price. They refused to even look at the Election Hoax of 2020. Shame on them!