The Former Presidency of Donald J. Trump, Volume XII: Nevertheless, NFTs!

(video TRUTH)

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Itā€™s because heā€™s not president anymore. He no longer wields any power. Nor does he control any powerful person or entity. He has exactly only an increasingly smaller albeit stubborn base. Itā€™s all going to come crashing down on him (and others) at once

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And thatā€™s different from the last ~2 years how?

Hard to believe Cactus is real. Or maybe he is real and just doesnā€™t live in the same dimension.


Now that is the kind of good-natured jocularity Unstuck is at once known for


No one can explain Garlandā€™s glacial pace. It could be heā€™s a timid wimp. Or it could be that itā€™s not just about one guy (Trump). Donā€™t forget there are literally sitting members of congress caught up in J6. This truly has to be one of the most complex and important criminal cases the DoJ has ever seen

Either way, itā€™s moving forward. Do you really think Garland brought in a special counsel because thereā€™s no there there and everything will get dropped? Why would he put that much more pressure on himself if/when Clark recommends charges?

Itā€™s beyond frustrating. I get it. But you still have Fani Willis who has never showed any signs of timidity. I donā€™t know when or how, but Iā€™m very sure charges of some kind are all but a formality at this point


Yeah thatā€™s why he was indicted

Checks notes

Zero times when the dems had the house and senate and he wasnā€™t president for two years

If itā€™s December 1, 2022

And heā€™s not charged by then

Itā€™s never going to happen. Ever.

He brought in a SC because heā€™s a pussy and doesnā€™t want to be the one who indicts trump. Thatā€™s it. Thatā€™s the entire story.




No, itā€™s moving sideways, and thatā€™s intentional.


I donā€™t have the Commodus gif handy.


Lol, I read that as ā€œNYtimes pitchbot.ā€ Also the SOL in NY on a felony is 5 years so good luck with that. I guess with covid tollings maybe thereā€™s enough time, but probably not.


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Grunching a lot of posts but seems like the GOP is ready to let Trump get got and the Dems/Garland are actually going to do something when strategically they should probably be letting him wreck the party prior to the 2024 elections.


I refuse to believe that the differences between Mueller and Jack Smith need to be explained

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Thatā€™s not exactly how I would have worded it, but Iā€™ll allow it.


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Yeah I can see the GOP trying to thread the needle of letting the dems generate some bad news cycles for Trump while also decrying the political weaponization of the DOJ, and the dems playing along. The end result being nothing happens to Trump and the dems come out with egg on their face, pissing off the left for letting Trump skate and energizing the right with their perceived overreach. Good times.

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